Fenix and My Magic Training (1)

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In exchange for the reduced time to study etiquette, I requested my parents to let me study magic right away!

So, I begin to learn more about magic and Hartmann's arts from my parents. Yes, I'm still diligently forging my transformation skills!

For the beginning, my mom told me to learn about the magic circles—symbolism for each element, before I can learn about the chants.

"There are 12 magic circles that you need to know. They will come in handy and there are only twelve available, so you should learn them, Lyra, before we go on to learn the harder part."

Each magic circle correspondences to each element.

They are like images that have different characteristics, so they are not that hard to remember. The finer detail is quite hard but Mom said it's enough as long as I remember the bigger picture for now.

In order not to forget them, especially my elements' magic circles, I usually try to imagine the images each time I learn more about the magic.

You tend to forget things that you don't use that often, after all.

Before long, the image of [Ice] magic circle appears in my mind when I read the part about [Ice] magic. It's like a habit now.

Associating words with the images might make it easier for me to remember~

After that, she also let me study the ancient language used for magic chants—[Spraec]. It is quite hard but thanks to my toddler brain, I feel like I managed to learn it faster!

Spraec is the ancient language used in magic chants.

Chant magic takes longer time to cast than chantless magic. It might be inefficient at times. And in case you forgot the Spraec chant? Goodbye~!

However, it is harder to do chantless magic, as it would cost more mana and requires vivid imagination of the desired effects plus—let's not forget—yes, the magic circle.

Not many people can perform chantless magic.

Spraec language contains an amazing power that lets us produce a magic without having to construct a mental image of the magic circles and the desired effects. Is this what you call the power of words?

Therefore, for the basic magic studies, we should start with learning Spraec.

Besides, I don't know if I will ever be able to perform chantless magic, so this ancient language really helps us to easily perform magic.

"For the practical training, let's start with strengthening your mana sensing and mana control skills," Mom said, when I was still remembering the basic of Spraec language.

"Eh? Just like the one we did during Hartmann's secret art practice?"

"Yes, but in this case, try to close your eyes and strongly feel the mana—then try focusing them to your hands—let say, the right hand, or more specifically to your index finger."


After I am getting used to manipulating my mana, Mom finally lets me chant magic spells.

"But before that, wear this pendant, Lyra."


Mom put a simple necklace with a beautiful round and transparent stone pendant to my neck.

"This is...?"

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