My Education (2)

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After showing my remarkable ability that can even pass the queen's selection test, my parents and the tutors all trembled in horror.

"This child is... extraordinarily gifted!"

"How can it be, a four year old...?!"

"Hey, Lyra-sama, could you tell us how could you do that? Were you especially trained all this time?"

The tutors all questioned me. My parents also stared at me with puzzled expressions.

[Oh yeah, I was trained to be the perfect example of a noble lady for 13 years of my life. Eh? Don't get me wrong, this is my second life. I was talking about my first life! Hohoho!!]

...wait, 'hohoho'? Who was it? It is definitely not the present me, and not the past me.

It was so out-of-character!!

But, I can't answer them like that!! I definitely can't!! What will they say about it afterwards? How will they judge me?!

More importantly... what will my parents think of a child like me?

They must think that the whole idea of their child... wasn't really their child—or rather, she was someone else's reincarnation... would totally be a revolting thought.

They must think that I—the soul of Reinst—took over the body of their child. I won't completely be their child that way, as I retained who I was, before even being born as their child.

...I don't want to be shunned, no, no.

I must hide this abnormality of mine, at all cost!! hell I could say this honest answer?

"Uh... I... somehow could grasp it. From what I've read. From what I heard. And from seeing the other nobles around me... And no, I didn't get any kind of special training..."

As I said that, the tutors murmured and my parents were silent, thinking.

"Learning from her environment and the things she read and heard alone...? Seriously?!" A tutor shouted in her disbelief.

They still couldn't comprehend my results and answers. No indication of cheating, no way that could happen under their strict supervision. And no bribing.

"Lyra... wow... just wow..." (This is Dad, not Mom.)

"As expected of my daughter!" (This is Mom, she sounds just like Dad here, but that means she must be very proud of her daughter. She even claps her hands in happiness—before getting confused about how I could do all that)

Those were the lines that I heard from my parents after they decided to abort their "thinking" mode.

In the end, I was dismissed after the results were out.

At the end of the day, my parents didn't say anything but... they would surely be curious and even suspicious, right?

I am so prepared to their questioning at home, but what comes out of Mom's mouth during when we are home, surprises me.

"So, Lyra... you can choose : will you go through all the education of what you've shown that you're capable of, just in case... or not?"


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