The Royal Family (2)

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After the queen, Shaula Schafer introduces herself, my eyes focused on the baby that she's cradling.

"Oh, and this baby here is my daughter. Her name is Leticia Dorothea seo Navarrete. Just call her Leti," she positions herself so I can see the baby.

The baby is looking back at me hazily, she looks like she's about to fall asleep any time soon.

Her green eyes are the same as the king's, while her hair is crimson just like her mother.

"She's so cute!" I thoughtlessly exclaimed. But she is indeed adorable. Her puffy cheeks and her tiny hands are so captivating, I want to touch them... but I try my best to refrain from it, as it may cause her to be alert and fail to sleep.

"Fufu, thanks for the compliment," the queen says, and then she cradles Leticia back.

"Hmmm, so you like kids, Lyra?" Dad is intrigued by my captivation to Leticia.

"What, planning to have another kid?" Titus elbowed Dad.

"Nah, hmm, I wonder," Dad starts to think.

Uh, oh... errr... I wouldn't want to have a younger sibling just for my amusement's sake...? Or rather, Dad, please... don't think about it here... least go and discuss it with Mom instead of wondering alone...

"Ahaha! As for me, I think these two are already enough... A lot of things are happening in this country, and imagine it combined with the chaos ensued due to me having too many kids, ahaha!! That son of mine is already causing a lot of confusion to me and Shaula... But well, good luck if you want another kid, Cyan!" The king says.


So, the king decides to only have one woman, this time, as well?

Actually, having more than one woman is the special right of a noble, as it is clearly demonstrated with the case of my old family— and that right is even more so for the ruler of this country.

But I don't know why, for one reason or another, it has been a while since the king decided to take on concubines. The number of the concubines the kings had decreased per generation. Wonder why?

Also... in case of a female noble or female ruler... Hmmm, it's rare to have them, but... I think they can have more than one partner too, albeit it's rarer to see. Well, female head of family is rare to see in the first place as surnames are passed via males.

However, most of the nobles are now having only one partner—with the most I can remember having three partners... That is because the society has started to view marriage as something more sacred with monogamous concept, and that creating a harem seems to be frowned upon as time goes on.

The most contributing factor to that is how having many spouses and children would complicate the whole family situation and there is that famous heir competition!!! That situation sounds awfully familiar, right?

But with how thing goes, I don't know about the nobles having hidden lovers, though it is VERY possible, haha!

That is my recollection of my moral and etiquette education back then... The founder of this country only had a woman, while he clearly had the chance to establish a harem... especially during old times when the nobles having many concubines were normal things.

It would be interesting to know what was in his mind during those time, but sadly he didn't write any of his own epic journey. Almost all of the documents we have about the hero's journey were written by others, so who knows how accurate they are? They might be accurate for the main gist of the events, but not about the trivial things.

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