Grabberton vs Fumitsuna (1)

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Things have turned out of my hands, but it's all for the best!

I can somehow explain how I know Grabberton's swordsmanship skill, and I get to witness the match between Grabberton and Fumitsuna!!

The moment Dad announced that the match has started...

The Fumitsuna girl hurled in a very fast speed towards Domi!

Awesome... so fast!

The difference between their styles is so apparent!

In a simple term... let's see.

In a game-like world, you are a mere novice swordsman. So you are seeking for advices from the prominent swordsmen.

Grabberton: [Don't you get it? Power is everything! Crush your opponent with your strength!]

Fumitsuna: [Overwhelm your enemies with your agility and speed! Don't give them the chance to attack back!]

Yup, that's how it goes, so it's no wonder that Yuzuru quickly rushed off to deal the first blow.

But no matter. I know that the Grabberton house would train Domi vigorously that he should be able to see through Yuzuru's fast movement!

As I expected—Yuzuru's katana slash was quickly blocked by Domi's Orgueil. But the smile didn't leave her face, as she quickly lifted her wakizashi—

Domi noticed Yuzuru's strategy and quickly put more strength into Orgueil, switching from defensive mode to offensive mode. This sudden strength caused Yuzuru's hand movement to stop as she was being pushed back.

This time, her confident expression changed into a surprised expression. Sensing that Domi would land some slashes after she stuttered, she decided to leap back, did a sommersault and landed back on the ground without any injury. Her jump and sommersault caused the distance between her and Domi to return to how it was before the match started.

...She is so nimble and agile!!

"Not bad," Yuzuru gave Domi a half-smile.

"Heh, so you're quite skillful despite being so young," Domi also acknowledged his opponent.

After exchanging meaningful glances, Domi and Yuzuru both rushed to deliver their blows at the same time.

As expected, because Yuzuru's faster, she managed to land her attack first, but Domi managed to block them all.

Yuzuru's movements as she attacked Domi were so fast—and it looked as if she was dancing!! This is the Fumitsuna's fighting style! To deliver fast attacks elegantly. The combat kimono that she's wearing just added her elegance as it matched her dance-like movements.

Simply put—she looked so beautiful even when she was fighting!!

I can't put my eyes off her figure—but I know I should be paying attention to Domi, to Grabberton's style.

Despite Yuzuru's speed, Domi managed to block every attack and even launched his counter attacks.

I watched as they exchanged their stances from offensive to defensive—I can't predict who will win this battle.

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