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[If you don't follow the rules, then I won't hesitate to...]

The moment Fenix uttered those words again, I could sense the atmosphere getting tense again.

Fenix, aren't you ashamed of intimidating kids like this? Tsk, tsk...

--However, I instantly froze when Fenix suddenly turned to look at me, as if she could read my mind.

Ah, well, she then turned to look at everyone else, so surely, it was only my imagination, right?

Yep, it was a coincidence. A very good coincidence that made me feel a little bit guilty...

[I won't hesitate and kick you guys out of the Treasury Room. It is my duty to protect the items stored here. Understand?]

All of us immediately nodded. Without making unnecessary voice.

[Well, I'm glad all of you seem like docile children.]

...Who wouldn't be docile after you intimidated us like that? Geez.

[The rules are simple. First, you are only allowed to go and touch the items in the unrestricted areas. Nobody is allowed to try and touch the items in the restricted areas. Second, treat the items with care. Do not break them—although the items in the unrestricted areas aren't that fragile, but still! And third... obey anything I say. If I were to suddenly command you to drop the items you're holding, do so. If I were to tell you to throw them, do so. Just do them without questioning first. If you want explanation, I will tell you later. Understood?]

We nodded, nodded, and nodded like good children we were.

I was sure that everyone wouldn't want to risk themselves like that anyway. Oh, Leti might be too young to understand things, and she didn't seem to be strangely precocious like her cheeky big brother, so I might note that in my mind. Yep, yep.

Oh well, Luca might have taken the precaution for his beloved little sister, anyway.

"Worry not, little birdie, we're only checking the treasure chests like before!" Carbuncle said in a reassuring manner, as she approached Fenix and patted her body casually...

Fenix: [...]

Everyone in the room: "..."

When the two met for the first time, they took an extra time to assess each other. It even seemed that they were assessing each other as potential opponent in a battle. But luckily, the two of them decided to tolerate each other instead of wrecking a havoc here...

Well, Fenix definitely chose to compromise because she was responsible of the treasury room. Carbuncle... might not be as hotblooded as I thought she was, as she still took the time to think before acting. Though this was not the first time Carbuncle displayed this quality of hers, I was still impressed.

I might not be able to stand being good friends with someone who would go around picking fights or acting without thinking, though...

I admit I might be clumsier and careless in this lifetime, but I was still a good girl, and I didn't let curiosity take over the control of my body, okay? When we went to the treasury room last time, I displayed such a good, good control of myself!

[...That's all. Dismissed.]

Then, we went to compare the treasure chests!

...Or not. I meant, Luca was so familiar with anything in the palace, and it wasn't like the first time he compared the treasure chests, so it seemed like he decided to entertain Leticia with the items he thought interesting.

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