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***Lyra's P.O.V***



"And you know what? There was also this priceless expression the calm Rupert made by incident when Cynthia—ah, Cynthia is one of the spies, too, but her method's different than us who are using magic... and she's just a brat who's obsessed in 'defeating' Rupert... but anyway, Cynthia did this..."

While Dad and Mom are both out for work, we are all alone with Gale. We asked him to tell us stories about him, Rupert, or even the royal spies.

Though he can't disclose anything that's related to work as it's very confidential, he can disclose the funny moments happening and other foolish incidents. We are very entertained by his stories.

His stories made me see that the royal spies are a bunch of funny fellows. As I haven't seen them in work mode, plus the stories he told me, I couldn't really perceive them as spies.


Gale suddenly stopped talking, and his wide grin disappeared from his face. His body went completely stiff, too.


"What's wrong?"

We are staring at him in our confusion.

" two, stay right here. Go and hide somewhere. I sense something wrong with the air outside. I'm going to go and check on it. Just... hide."

Gale went down from the bed and instructed us to hide.

His tense expression indicated that he was serious. It was no joke.

The change from his friendly attitude and childish expression to his "work mode" is quite drastic, I must say.

Sensing his seriousness, we only nodded and complied. We chose to hide in the small closet. From the closet, we can take a peek at the room, but we should become unnoticeable from the outside.

Gale made sure that we hid perfectly before he then touched the handle of the door and went outside.




***Normal P.O.V***



Upon going outside, Gale noticed the eerie air and atmosphere the hall is having right now. Sure, when night falls, the surroundings will be more serene and way quieter than it was during the day, but something was odd.

It's as if he is isolated from the others...

Gale keenly observed his surroundings and made sure to sharpen his hearing.

"I know you're in there. Show yourself now. It's no use hiding from me."

Gale threw a stern glance at the left corner of the hallway, and soon, a man clad in black showed himself. He wore a full black clothing from the tip of his head until the tip of his toes, rendering it impossible to identify him.

In the instant he showed himself, he ran full-speed towards Gale. At the same time, he swiftly took out his push dagger from his clothes and pointed it towards Gale. All of this happened very quickly, which displayed the man's expertise in his combat skills.

Unfortunately for the man, Gale managed to grasp the situation quickly and tried to dodge him to the right—when he noticed another man appeared from the other side and pointed the same weapon to him, as well.


Gale had no choice but to retract his movement and now, he's positioned in the middle of his two attackers. He swiftly lowered his body to avoid the first man's slash and quickly dashed forward and jumped to avoid the second man's attack.

As expected, the two men quickly attempted to deal another blow to Gale.

"As if I'd let you!" Gale also swiftly took out his hammer that he hid beneath his coat. The hammer's handle is quite short, and the blunt end of the hammer is only as big as his fist, but since it's made of a heavy metal, it can deliver fatal blows if one handles it right. Moreover, the size of the hammer seemed to be increasing from its former portable size as Gale took it out. It is a magic hammer!

As the magic hammer's size has become big enough in a short moment's notice, he quickly hit the first man's head, causing him to suffer a contusion and the impact of it caused the man to fall unconscious.

To defense the second man's upcoming push dagger, Gale threw his hammer away and grabbed the man's hand.

[Leoht sprengan!] (Light zap)

A burst of light energy appeared from Gale's hands, making its way to the man's body. As the man was surprised with the sudden surge of impact his arm felt, Gale used that opportunity to do another attack. He stretched his free hand towards the man's eyes and suddenly chanted—

[Leoht lîxan!] (Light flash)

A flash of blinding light appeared in front of the man's eyes, causing him to temporary lose sense of his vision. Gale quickly took his hammer back and hit the man to cause him lose his consciousness.

Just as the man was collapsing and as Gale straightened his body, he suddenly felt a presence behind him, really, really close to him—and an electric shock running towards his back.

"Gotchaa~," A woman's voice could be heard.

"Gwah?!" He tried to turn his head behind but he couldn't—his body was paralyzed. However, he could still stand up and slowly moved to the direction of that voice he heard just now.

From what he could comprehend, his attacker used a tool to help them conceal their presence until the very last moment. The electric shock that caused his body to be paralyzed in an instant—it would be a type of electric magical attack specialized to induce paralysis.

"Ara? How could it be? That spell should have induced a paralysis to you...," the woman seemed to be confused.

"Blâcern tin—"

Before Gale could finish chanting a spell for his light beam attack, two more shadows appeared and hit his head, causing him to lose his consciousness. Just how many people are tasked for this attack?

More importantly, if they went to such an extent to use a tool to hide their presence—then they are not a simple group of intruders. Gale managed to notice their presence regardless—but it was when everything was too late.

Soon, footsteps of several people echoed through the hallway, heading to the direction of the room where Altaire and Lyra are hiding.

Now that things have turned like this, the last thing that Gale thought to himself before collapsing was, 'Ah... looks like this is their real objective... that intel about illegal activities might just be a decoy... After all, they went all out here...'

But who would have thought of it before this happened? Why would anyone specifically target the children? Only the perpetrators could answer that...

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