Arriving at the Inn~

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Dad patted Alt-nii and then continued his explanation.

"Yes. And our Transformation Oracle's got its limitation. We may be free from the risks it may pose such as shortening our life span, great exhaustion, and other things, but we can only transform into other sentient races and some few animals we are compatible with. Of course, yours and Alt's are different. So is mine. ...but somehow, we all can turn into cats just fine."

Eh? So, a cat is the default animal transformation for us? Is there a story behind that?

"...Eeh? How do I know what other animals I can turn to?"

"Well, through trials and error, Lyra~," Alt-nii seems to be very familiar with it by now.

"Is that so? T, then I should try to see if I can become a bird or not... we can't turn into monsters using transformation oracle?" I asked.

"Well, under normal circumstances, we can't. It is still risky and hard even for us to do. But under some conditions... oh well, let's save it for later," Dad seems to be hesitant to explain further.

"Ah, Lyra, we can't turn into a werebeast or real dragon's forms... I was disappointed when I discovered this, so I think you might want to know," Alt-nii said, his eyes were cast slightly downwards.

"I see..."

Hmm, makes sense that there should be limitations to our powers. I wanted to try transforming into some monsters, though. Guess I can try some Transformation Potion in the future, if there is even any safe one...?

"Ah, thanks for the explanation, but let's go back to the original topic!" I clapped my hands. Well, originally, it was Alt-nii's topic. But he seems to forget about it, too.

"Oh, right! So, Rupert and Gale only know that we have Illusion Oracle?" Alt-nii asked his question again.

"That's right. Only a few people know about our Oracle, while the public simply knows that we are blessed with great magical power, as a magician's family. Just like how they know that the other ducal families have their own specialties," Dad explained.

That's right. I only know that about the Hartmann family back when I was Reinst Carnatia Grabberton. I know that the public understands that the royal family and the four dukes are blessed in different ways—as that's how they were able to stand at the highest hierarchy of the society, besides their past contribution in the history.

Not many have the idea about their oracles. [Oracle] is something unique and quite rare.

I fully understand Grabberton family's inherited oracle as I was a Grabberton, but I didn't expect the other ducal families to possess their own inherited oracle. I thought that it was something in Grabberton family with small chance of occurrence or inheritance (not that I inherited it, hehe!).

And yup, it's exactly Grabberton's oracle that I talked about before—the one requiring training only to control it, not to practice and make the oracle's power perfect.

Anyway, after confirming that the Hartmann also has inherited oracle, I am more convinced that each ducal family has different oracle than simply being blessed with any strong point or power.

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