Altaire's Sixth Birthday (3)

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"Hmm, what's wrong?" Clyde asked again, in response to my silence and my weird expression.

...Can I ask for a time out??

"Come on, just tell this uncle~"

I gulped. Whoa, now I'm sweating.

I wish life is similar to visual novel games, where I now should be able to see some options that I can pick as my answer...

Because I'm drawing blank here.


Just as I was about to tell whatever pops to my mind...

"Huh, Lyra, Clyde, what are you two doing over there?"

...Dad's voice!!

Ohhh, he's coming here!!

My savior!!

I decided to run towards my dad and gives him the best jump plus hug combination I can give him.

Obviously, my dad is surprised by my unusual behavior. Yes, I never ran with all I had and leaped to hug him! Usually, Dad would be the one to walk quickly towards me and proceed to hug and carry me around.

"Uwooo, my Lyra is acting so cute!"

I can hear Dad's whisper close to my ears as he cradled me in his arms. He looks slender but his arms are unexpectedly sturdy, as he didn't even falter due to my full-speed ambush!

"Ahaha, hi there, Cyan-san! She was wandering off all alone, and she was so easy to spot being the only child below 6 years old here, so I thought I should be greeting her. When she turned around, I realized that she's indeed the rumored daughter of Hartmann family!"

"Oh, right. Putting aside the fact that Lyra wanders off alone, I think introduction should be in order then. Clyde, this is my daughter, Alrescha Lyra Hartmann. We usually call her Lyra. Lyra, this young man here is Clyde Horace Loera."



Clyde Horace what?!


Since when...?! How...?!!

I don't have to use a mirror to see what kind of expression I have right now. My confusion is evident enough. This is a major fact that totally contradicts what I know in my past life!

Is this really a parallel world, then? There have been so many similarities I thought this was the same world!

"Ahaha, as I thought. Cyan-san, your daughter asked me before regarding why was I wearing Loera-themed clothes although I was from Grabberton house."

"Huh? Is that so?"

Now, Dad is also looking at me in confusion.


"Hmm... have I ever told you about Clyde? Is that why you know that he was from Grabberton family?"

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