Passing Days

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Afterwards, I gradually became used to school (once more). The key difference was that, this time, school seemed to be more enjoyable than before. If I constantly had some books to read at school back when I was Reinst, this time—I'm not really carrying any book to read. Even if I were to carry some books around, the time I have to read them is basically... none?

During the break time—no, let alone break time, even during the class, I sometimes talk with Carbuncle, Iris, Luca, or even Kiri. But it's not that I hate it at all. It was rather fun. After I was reincarnated, I managed to find another kind of "fun", and it made me feel some kind of warmth I've never truly had before.

Obviously, we weren't only playing around to pass our time. Being in special class, I really felt that our lessons were hastened. The contents of Basic Level 1 and 2 were basically cramped into our first year. So, guess what?

Naturally, we are screwed!—no, that's not right. We were forced to study, even if we disliked studying. If not, we won't be able to keep up. Each special class student had the risk of being "kicked" from special class and "reverted" back to regular class. And any regular class student had the chance of enrolling into special class, although I bet their age would be older than those who directly enrolled into special class at the age of 6.

To put it in a positive way, we might get new classmates in the future!

It's not like I'm in my denial state of the negative possibility of getting kicked from special class. I just think that there will be no problem to keep up with everything during Basic Level. I might need to sneakily "store some knowledge" in preparation for my future... My previous life's knowledge stopped when I was 13, which covered every Basic Level only.

I don't feel like I'm a genius who could immediately comprehend everything, so this little "reincarnation cheat" of mine has an expiry date, it seems.

--insert a long pause with a long sigh mixed—

The lessons were really packed with frequent exams being held. Whenever it was near exam period, we'd either go home later than usual or go to the academy's dorm to study together with Iris. Carbuncle was a good distractor from our studies, though...

"Haaaaah...," Dad heaved another long sigh. At first, I was surprised, but at this point, I was already used to it.

"Lyra's time at home is becoming less and less...," Dad muttered.

"Well, that's inevitable. Children will grow up, and that's part of them growing up," Mom only chuckled.

"But... haaah...," Dad sighed again.

"Be happy that Lyra's not home to study with her friends," Mom reminded.

"I know, but..."

"...Dad, it's not like you're always at home, so...," I couldn't help but remind him.

"Lyra's right. It's not like we're at home 24/7, too," Mom agreed to my point. Sometimes, it was Dad who went home later or even stayed outside due to work, and sometimes it was Mom's turn, rarely it was for the two of them to get busy with their work at the same time.

"But, it just feels different," Dad continued to grumble.

"You're just not used to it yet," Mom said.

"But Daddy only laughed and said it couldn't be helped, and that I should gain more experience outside when I first started to spend more time outside," Alt-nii chimed in.

...what's with this different treatment, Dad?! Though one is a son and the other is a daughter, we're still your children!

But well, hehe~ How do I put it?

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