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I was always alone.

The earliest memory I had was when I lived in the small and cramped orphanage. The adults over there called me "Firis"—they said that there was a writing embroidered on the clothes I wore when I was found in the middle of a forest. They said that I was around one-year-old, and that I was glancing here and there, seemingly looking for someone.

But who was I looking for? I couldn't remember.

Also, the writing "Firis" might be embroidered on the clothes I wore, but has anyone think that it might not be my name? However, even if I continued to ponder, I would never find out.

Was I abandoned by my parents? If yes, why? If no, why wasn't there anyone looking for me?

In the orphanage, it seemed that there was shortage of food—but I didn't realize it until later in my life. I thought it was normal to eat only a little. No wonder many of the children were so skinny. I was also included.

I didn't really pay any attention to time, but after living like that for quite some time, until one day, several children including me were sent off to somewhere else. Then, I spent my days working in the magical stone mine. Many years must have passed by, as the other kids who worked together with me all succumbed to the drawback they got from being in the magical stone mine, which contained dense amount of magical energy.

Ah, so, the magical energy in the magical stone mine was harmful if you stayed there for a long time?

So I thought as I saw another one of us collapsed. The other people who were brought here together with me had all disappeared, but I still remained.

Until one day, we somehow managed to break free. Without nowhere to go, I ended up living in the slums.

Then, that fateful day happened.

"Young lass, stand up and let me take a good look at you."

A man carrying noble aura suddenly passed by the slum I was living in, and I wasn't sure if I managed to induce his fury or what—but he asked me to stand. So I obediently did it.

"Mm, not bad. What's your name?"


"How old are you?"

"...I don't know," I shook my head. After all, it was the truth.

"Hm? Well, it doesn't matter. Do you want to work for me?"


"In exchange, you won't need to be worried of shelter or food."


Thinking that it was a good idea, I followed that man.

Starting from that moment, I became a maid in the noble house of Hartmann family. A kind senior named Chloe treated me warmly and for the first time, I thought that maybe, this was how it felt to have a friend?

Back then, I didn't dare to get close to any of my coworkers. Because they'd disappear eventually. Perhaps... this wasn't so bad.

However, the nobleman that picked me up—Boris Pax Hartmann—he was actually a bad guy... Apparently, it wasn't only me, but there were other young maids who suffered at his hands. But to me... I wasn't starving. I wasn't getting beaten. I didn't have to work 24/7 and didn't have to live in the dirty dungeon. ...This... is certainly better... right?

Even Hillde-sama—Boris-sama's wife—turned a blind eye to all this. It seemed like she didn't care, as long as she could live luxuriously as a noble wife of a duke.

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