General Knowledge Test

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Whoa, I totally didn't expect to see her! Shouldn't she be going home already?

When I looked at my first female friend here, I saw that Iris is breathing roughly—wait, was she chasing after me that she became short of breath like this?

I feel bad for leaving her behind, but...

"Iris, what's wrong? Aren't you going home?"

I stopped my movements so Iris could also stop running or walking and catch her breath first, while explaining her situation.

"Lyra, you're so mean! You didn't let me finish my sentence!" She pouted as she still tried to stabilize her breathing.

"Eh? Sorry, I had to hurry here... Anyway, you shouldn't be here or else they will think that you're also taking..."

"You didn't even wait for me! Geez, really!" She nagged on me even further, "so much for being friends!!"

"Ah? But, Iris, I'm going to take the special class selection exams soon, and you said you won't be taking any of the magic and physical combat exam, so..."

"Well yeah, but I'm taking the special skills test! I'm also going to the special class!"



Special skills... what?

I blinked many times over, trying to recall any information about the special skills test Iris talked about, but nothing came to my mind. I just read the details about both the magic and physical combat exams attentively, so that I won't miss any details and preparation, but I couldn't recall any of that [special skills test]...

Due to my confusion, I spontaneously tilted my head to think, but my feet still continued to walk at a steady pace, with Iris now on my side.

"...Lyra, don't tell me you don't know about it?"

"Eh, no, I..."

Am I that obvious? Am I that easy to read?!

I've had several occasions where I felt like I was easy to read—so I began contemplating if my skill in acting has degraded?

"No, it's okay, it's written in a separate paper, after all. It's for those who want to join in special class but have little to no aptitude in both magic and physical combat," Iris began to explain.

...Ohhh, I think I only took what my mom gave me, and since she knew I wanted to try both of them, she didn't give me the paper about [special skills test]!

"It won't count as a bonus for those who take all the tests?"

--whoops, have I become greedy? To think that I would ask about this first thing first!

Iris shook her head.

"No. It's made specially for those who are not participating in both magic and physical combat exams, to make up the scores for those tests."

Ah, I see-.

Makes sense. It would be unfair for the school to only accept those who are good at battles for the special class. After all, a person's value can't be measured by using one or two standards, as each of us possesses different quality and interest. Obviously, being unable to battle doesn't mean that one is untalented at all!

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