The Plan (4): Departure and...

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That voice, if I'm not wrong, then our guest this time would be...

"Ah, that would be Meredea. Be at ease, Meredea's position is high enough that she also knows about the Hartmann's illusion."

Mom confirmed my guess! It was Meredea!

She then quickly went to the front door to open it and let the expected guest in.

"Meredea!" I exclaimed. It's been a while since I saw her.

"Hi there... though you are disguising yourself, you must be... Lyra!" Meredea crouched down to pat my head—and as she does that, her permy brunette hair lightly grazed my cheeks.

I lightly brushed it aside as to not let it tickle my nose! It wouldn't be funny if I were to sneeze right in front of her face.

"Yes, you got it right!" I responded.

"Ah, excuse me, where are my manners? Sorry for intruding on you all. I've come to pick up Ophelia-sama," Mereda lightly raised the hem of her skirt.

"It's okay, Meredea. Please take care of Cass," Dad said.

"...though your appearance right now is way... too different... I will, Cyan-sama."

"Fufu, well then. Guess it's my time to depart. You guys feel free to take your time."

"Mom, mom! Are you going with just Meredea? I thought there will be some other magicians! Will you two be okay?"

I am worried.

"No problem. We are just going to fix the barrier and discuss things with the magicians of Chinosato city. Only Meredea and I will do."

"Isn't it dangerous? No guard at all?"

"Going with lots of people will just hinder us in case something happens. We are strong enough to defend ourselves, and once we arrived, the other magicians will be there, on our side."

...Mom is the top magician here, so her argument is valid. ...and Meredea seems to be a nerdy magician, but she is also strong, then, based on what Mom said?

"Be careful, Mom!" Alt-nii gave his hug to Mom.

"I'll be off then."

Mom then lightly brushed my head.

"I'll be okay. Take care, too, Lyra."

" careful, Mom."

"Be careful, Cass—"

"Cyan, no, not in that form."

Before Dad can even approach Mom in his current chubby form, Mom stopped him from doing so.


"It's okay, we'll be seeing one another again, though we are taking different ways to get there. So, see you."

With that, Mom and Meredea entered their carriage and departed. With our currently transformed forms, we didn't send them off, but we did say our goodbyes properly.

No worries, we will soon meet!

After quite a while, finally, as the carriage has arrived, it's our time to depart.

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