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My parents where out on a date night and my sister Nancy was out on a date with Jonathan, so I had the house all to myself, a perfect opportunity to play D&D all night with the party.
I quickly talked to Will, Dustin, Lucas, and El on the walkie talkie, and called Max on the phone.


We've been playing D&D for about an hour or two and having the best time of our lives. Will was the DM and he's a really good one to, he makes the best stories and if someone offends someone else, they get struck by lightning, it's great.
"You are right in front of the entrance to the dragon fortress, where lays a slumbering dragon and gold that reaches up to the ceiling," Will said in a suspenseful voice, "it is up to Lucias the elf and Maximus the knight, what is your way of entering without waking the dragon?"
Everything went quiet, Lucas had the dice in one hand, and held Max's hand in the other, the suspense was high, if the dragon awoke everything would go downhill.
Just as Lucas was about to roll the dice, a loud thud was heard upstairs, causing all of us to flinch.
"Hello?" I yell upstairs, but no answer.
"That could just be Nancy or your mom and dad." Dustin said, but I didn't think so.
"I'll go up and look," I say, getting up from my chair. El grabbed onto my hand, saying, "be careful," before letting go.
I slowly crept upstairs, everything was eerily silent, it sent chills up my spine.
I peeked into the living room which was empty besides the furniture that was there before.
At first, I thought I was just hearing things, but that's when a pair of arms wrapped around me. One around my torso, and the other held a cloth over my mouth. They picked me up and I attempted to struggle, kicking at him but that didn't work, I kicked off the wall to make him get slammed into another wall close by, making a loud thud, that would get my friends' attention.
My vision was gradually going darker and darker, I was able to see my group running upstairs, El used her powers to push him up against the wall hard, but he still had his hold on me, he let go of my mouth which gave me a chance to gain consciousness, breathe and scream
He quickly picked up a candle stick and threw it at Eleven, hitting her in the head and making her fall to the ground.
Dustin reached for the phone but that resulted in a glass shattering against his face, knocking him over. Will ran into the kitchen to find something to use as a weapon, the person holding me turned around for a split second, having Max and Lucas jump and latch onto his shoulders, them not being able to do much before getting slammed into the wall and getting knocked out. Will ran from the kitchen and into the living room, stabbing a knife through the kidnapper's shoulder, causing him to scream in pain. He pulled the knife out, threw it on the ground, clenched his hand into a fist and punched Will in the face, knocking him out.
I trembled as I continued to struggle, panting to catch my breath. I heard him mumble under his breath.
"Fuck it." Before slamming my head against the wall, making my vision go black

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