Hawkins, Indiana

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I highly regret not going with Mike. I really wanted to get to know him better. I was freaking the fuck out. How will he think of me? Will we fight a lot? What will our relationship be? How will his sisters think of me?
"Richie Richie calm down!!" Bev says, trying to calm me down, "You and Mike will be fine..."
"How do you know for sure???" I ask, panicking.
"He's your twin brother! You two already have a great relationship from the first day of meeting each other, you'll be fine."
We neared closer to Hawkins, I tried my hardest to keep my panic down to the minimum.
"Dustin told me to keep an eye out for the sherif, or else we're fucked." Eddie says.
Eddie quietly weaved through the roads, keeping a close eye out for the sherif as he followed the bright blue car in front of us.
"I just realized, where would we be staying?" Stan asks, "we should've talked about this before we actually left."
"Oh shit, you right." Eddie said.
"I'm gonna talk with Mikey." I say. Jesus, I already have a nickname for him.
I opened the door and hopped out of the car, running over to Mike's car. I knocked on the car window where Max was in the driver's seat, I knocked on the window. They stopped and rolled it down.
"Hey, Uh, where would we be staying?" I asked.
"Shit! We forgot about that!!" Dustin says from the back.
"Ok so um, theres a motel down the street, you could stay there." Max says.
"But we're broke as shit." I say, "we used all of our money on food for the road."
"God damn it, I forgot about that..." Max mutters to herself.
"Ok I have an idea," Mike W says, "how bout we split up into everyone else's houses, so Richie will go with me, Beverly will go with Max, Eddie will go with Dustin, you get the idea."
Dustin rolled down his window and tapped me on the shoulder, handing me a walkie talkie, "if you have anymore questions, just press the side button and talk into it, make sure to say over when you're done speaking."
I nod and run back to the car I came in.
As we started to enter Hawkins, everyone was staring at the two cars being driven by children.
I'm not sure if they where staring at the driver, or the fact that there where two Mike Wheelers in the two separate cars. Probably both.
The walkie talkie beeped, Mike's voice emitted from the gadget.
"Alright, we're gonna drop you guys off at the separate houses. First stop is Dustin, do you know who's going with him? Over" Mike asked.
"Eddie. Over" I replied.
"Great, simple as that. Over and out."

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