Derry, Maine

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I was with the Losers, we where talking about nothing in particular while walking around Derry. Entering my street, my asshole dad's car drove up into the driveway, he was gone for a day and it made me wonder what he was doing.
He looked suspicious as fuck, I lead the Losers over to the side of a house to hide and see what he was doing. If he saw the Losers he would know I was here.
My dad looked around for a good minute and opened the trunk. He pulled something out. Not something, someone! Someone that looked about my age, and had their hands and feet tied together and a bag tied over their head.
They obviously didn't come from here, it was the middle of July and they where wearing jeans and a striped sweatshirt with a collar to the shirt and sleeves. They didn't seem to struggle or scream, which means they where probably knocked out.
My dad carried them inside and shut the door behind him.
"Richie what's going on?" Bill asks me.
"My dad kidnapped someone!!" I reply.
The Losers's eyes widened.
"Seriously?!" Mike said.
I nodded, "the question is, who?"
"Richie, you go and explore, we'll be right outside your house." Bev said, who was in town visiting.
I nod and we walk towards my house, the Losers sit down by the door to avoid windows, I walk in, casually saying what I normally say when I enter my shitty household.
"What's up fuckers!"
My dad was nowhere to be seen.
"Douche? Are you here?!" I yell, "Your shitty car is outside!"
I heard clashing from upstairs, clear signs of struggle.
I knocked on the window as a signal for them to come inside to help, and ran upstairs.
My dad was holding a boy up as he tried to struggle out of my dad's grip. Not taking me long to realize that this was the boy my dad kidnapped, the bag was off of him but I still couldn't see his face.
He noticed me and my friends, he slammed the boys head against the wall, he went limp and my dad threw him on the ground. Upon closer inspection he had a large bandage around his shoulder.
"What the hell?!!" I screamed.
"I'm sick of you, you annoying piece of shit!!" He yelled at me.
Me and The Losers charged at him.
Bill and Bev jump onto his shoulders, the rest of us looked around for a weapon.
He slammed them against the wall, knocking them out.
Mike tried to swing a rolling pin at my dad's head but, he was stopped mid swing and punched in the temple, knocking him over.
Stan and Ben where the closest to knocking him down, but not close enough to stop him, he still hit them over the head.
Eddie came out of the kitchen clutching a cleaver in his hand, while I snuck behind them to see who my dad kidnapped.
I could hear Eddie's sounds of struggle as he tried so desperately to stab my dad's leg. I heard the cleaver falling to the floor and Eddie colliding with the ground shortly after.
I turned over the knocked out body of the victim.
It felt like I was looking in a mirror.
I tried to process what was going on, but that's when a pain hit my temple, and everything went dark.

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