Now or Never

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I leaned against the car fiddling with the buttons on my shirt, my palms are getting sweatier and sweatier by the second. What if Mike isn't ok?? What if that thing killed him??
Beverly put her hand on my shoulder, I flinch and look up at her.
"Mike is gonna be ok, I was in the same position as him, and they got me out" she says.
I give her a slight smile, "that makes me feel a little bit better...I'm just anxious-"
"Yeah, those two need to hurry up-" Beverly says, looking in the distance.
Right when she said that, Eddie and Richie frantically ride up down the street.
"Took your god damn time," Beverly says bluntly, "you almost gave Will a panic attack."
"Oi! We didn't mean it-!" Richie says.
"Anyways, we have no time to waste, lead the way you two," Nancy says, getting anxious as well.
Richie and Eddie nod, we all get into our separate cars.  The two of them started to ride off, we all follow behind them


Richie and Eddie finally pull up to a very old and creepy dilapidated house.
"IT lives here-?" Jonathan asked.
"Yep..." Stan said.
"Well that makes perfect sense..." I muttered.
Jonathan parked behind Nancy's car and took the keys out of the ignition. We open the car doors and get out. Bill walks up the stairs of the house and stands on the porch, we hesitantly follow him.
Bill turns around, "well, this is the moment we've been dreading, but it's now or never! If we want to get Mike back then we'll have to do the same thing we did for Bev, we'll have to fight for him. And since IT's extremely outnumbered, we should be fine. To the people who haven't experienced what it's like to be around IT, just don't feed IT your fear, that'll only make IT stronger. If IT tries to get under your skin, beat the absolute shit out of IT. IT will probably go after the new guys first to get under their skin, but remember it's not real. And El, try not to use your powers unless we absolutely need you, save your energy." Bill said in a loud confident voice. "Is everyone ready?"
We all nod in sync.
"Good! Lets get in there!" Bill said, opening the door to the house and walking inside.
"He didn't once..." I said in amazement.
"Yeah, he does that when he gets all preachy n shit." Stan said, stepping inside the house. We all follow him inside.

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