Oh Shit...

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El's nose started to bleed. The room was completely, besides the faint static from the radio, and our quiet anxious breathing. It was taking a long time for El to find Mike, he must be far away. Really far away...
El has gone through a few tissues to wipe away the blood dripping from her nose. Her powers really must damage her.
Suddenly, the static started to form into words. Well...more like, music. Circus music in fact.
"What do you see?" Richie asked.
"I see...Mike...hes...climbing..." El said.
"What's he climbing?" I asked.
"It looks like....dead....bodies....of animals....he's climbing really high...to a tunnel"
A sudden scream could be heard from the radio, it sounded like Mike.
"What's going on-?" Nancy asked.
"Mike is being pulled down from the wall..." El said.
"By what??" Richie asked.
"I can't see it...." El replied, "I can only see Mike..."
'LET ME GO YOU BASTARD!!!' Mike screamed from the radio.
"He's being lifted in the air by....someone....theyre holding him by the neck....he's struggling..." El said.
El suddenly gets really tense, "f-f-floating-"
"M-Mike's floating." El said, her voice suddenly really shaky.
I looked over at the rest of the losers, we all where thinking the same thing.
"Oh shit..." Richie muttered

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