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We anxiously traveled through the ankle deep sewer water, the water soaking into our shoes, socks and pants.
I stayed next to Nancy and Steve, holding onto both of their hands as Steve held the baseball bat in his free hand, and Nancy had her free hand in her pocket.
"D-do we still h-have everyone?" Bill asked, looking over his shoulder.
"I think so..." Lucas said, looking around just in case. He immediately stopped in his tracks, "hold up-where's Will and Max?"
We all stop in our tracks and frantically look around, my heart sunk when I couldn't see Will.
"Shit-" I muttered.
"We gotta find them before we go any further." Richie said.
"Steve and I can go look for them, you guys can continue to look for Mike," I said.
"Are you sure? What if you get lost?" Nancy asked.
"Have one of The Losers go with you, they know somewhat about the layout of the sewers," Dustin suggested.
The Losers all looked at each other, attempting to decide who should go.
Richie finally stepped in, "I'll go," he said, and walked over to us.
"Good luck you guys.." Eddie said, looking at our small group with a worried look before walking on.
I take a deep breath and turn around, "lets get this over with."


The three of us trudge through the thick sewer water shouting out two names, one too familiar to be comforting.
"Will!! Max!!"
"Where the hell are they...?" Richie muttered under his breath.
"WILL!! MAX!!!"
A scream could suddenly be heard from the distance, the scream was scratchy and hoarse.
The three of us ran towards the sound, Steve with his baseball bat in hand.
Passing into a tunnel, we see IT.
IT had a tight hold around Max and Will's necks, lifting them off the ground, the two kids where trying to pry IT's hands off of them. IT was laughing maniacally, drool spilling from IT's lips, IT occasionally 'playfully' bit at them as they cried and struggled.
Steve started to approach IT, "Hey! Bozo!!"
IT looked him dead in the eyes, piercing Steve with a powerful gaze. Steve readied himself as IT dropped Max and Will. Richie and I ran over to them to help them onto their feet.
Steve swung the bat at the center of IT's forehead, sending blood flowing upwards onto the ceiling. IT grinned widely and pried the bat out of IT's head with ease. IT swung at Steve and threw him against the wall with so much force that the dust on the wall flew off just by the weight of Steve. IT quickly retreated into a large pipe, bending its body in animalistic ways as it crawled up the pipe.
We ran over to Steve.
"Are you ok??" Max asked, sounding super concerned.
"Am I ok-?? We need to ask if you're ok-!" Steve said, his voice sounding harsh and breathy.
"You got bruises on your necks man-!" Richie said, gesturing to Max and Will. They both reached up to touch the tender flesh on their necks, wincing at the slightest touch.
"That's gonna stay for a few days..." Will said.
I helped Steve onto his feet as he caught his breath.
"Let's get the hell back to the group," he said.
"I couldn't agree more." I added.

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