I Know This Isnt You

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The both of us walk outside.
"I already know this isn't you..." I say, "I know you have a twin brother but just refused to believe it, you better start talking."
"My name is Michael Wheeler, Mike for short," he started off, "I came from Hawkins Indiana-"
I stopped him, "hold on, Indiana?! How the hell did you get all the way here?!"
"Someone kidnapped me," Mike said.
My eyes widen, "so you're the one that we saw Richie's dad carry inside..."
"You saw that?" Mike asked, changing his gaze from the wooden stairs to me, I nod.
"Does this mean that Richie is-"
"In Hawkins? Yes that's likely..."
"Oh god I feel so bad for them..." I reply, Mike couldn't help but laugh, I joined with him.
I sigh, "tomorrow morning, we're getting everyone together, we are not using bikes cause that will take 4 days at the most, we're taking my mom's car, that'll be way faster."
Mike nods and takes a sigh of relief, "thank you so much..."
I smile, yawning and resting my head on Mike's shoulder.
I could feel him flinch at first but then relax.

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