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"Why the hell is IT back?!!" Eddie asks, sounding extremely terrified.
"What do you mean IT?" I ask.
"Long story short, it's an evil clown that turns into your worst fears. We fought IT before, we defeated IT, but how the fuck is IT still alive?!!"
"Wait a minute-I think I know what you're talking about-" Will says.
All of our heads turn to face Will, "you've seen it?!" Beverly asks.
"That fucker followed me here when Mike and I where switched," Richie says, "I ran to Will's house for protection since I was in the middle of the road at night."
"We need to get back to Derry and get Mike out of there," Stan says.
"Do you think IT still lives in that house?" Richie asks.
"I don't think IT's had time to relocate, so that's our best guess." Eddie says, "maybe you can use your twin telepathy shit to find eachother"
"That's not how it works Eds..." Richie says.
"Aaaaaanyways," Nancy says, changing the subject to something more relevant, "Jonathan and I can drive four people each, Hopper can take two and Joyce can also take four. We might be able to fit more if we squish."
We discussed on who is going with who.
Nancy is taking Richie, Eddie, Lucas, and Me.
Jonathan is taking Will, Stan, Bill and Beverly.
Hopper is taking Mike H and Ben.
And Joyce is taking Eleven and Max, luckily leaving room in her car for Mike W.
"Should we call Steve?" Nancy asks.
"Yes-! Please do!" I say without hesitating, "he can go with Joyce."
"We could definitely use him, make sure he brings the baseball bat," Jonathan says.
"Who's Steve?" Richie asks, for probably all of the losers.
I walk over to the phone and dial Steve's number, patently waiting for him to answer, "you'll see."
"Hello?" Steve says from the other end.
"Steve! Buddy hey!"
"Hendersen? What are you calling me for?"
"I'll get to that later, hey, do you still have that baseball bat? Yknow, the one with the nails in it?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Could you bring that and come to Hopper's house?"
"We'll explain when you get here."
"We? Who the hell is we?"
"Stop asking questions and get your ass over here!"
"Ah-! Yes captain!" Steve hangs up, I put the phone back on the hilt.
"He'll be here in no time," I say.

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