Trading Places

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I regained my consciousness, seeing only blackness. I felt stiff and claustrophobic, my shoulders sore and pulled back.
I struggled to breathe and speak. I writhed around as best as I could, I couldn't move much.
I heard people speaking, the sounds started to move closer.
I heard the sound of a zipper unzip and a bright light gradually shine through my darkened space. I squinted through the light.
My hearing was clogged as they spoke.
"It's Mike!!" An officer said, "get an ambulance!! He's in bad shape!!"
My vision was clearing, everything was a blur, I felt someone take off what was wrapped around my wrists ankles and mouth, I gasped for air and coughed.
I felt my consciousness slowly fade away, constantly altering from conscious to unconscious.
"Mike, cmon Mike look at me!" An officer says. The sound of his voice still sounded like I was underwater, all muffled and clogged.
They kept calling me Mike, as if they knew me.
I didn't even know myself, I probably hit my head really hard or some shit.
My vision and hearing finally started to clear, I could see and hear much better.
Well, hear better, not so much see. Everything was still fuzzy as fuck. I squinted to try to clear it up, which didn't work, still blind.
My breathing settled and I could hear everything much better.
"Mike, Mike you doing ok?" An officer said to me.
I looked over at him, I didn't recognize him at all.
"Wh-what....?" I quietly mumble out, "wh-who are you....?"
"It's me, Hopper." He says, as if I knew him.
"Wh-who...?" I reply.



Hopper walked out of Mike's hospital room.
"Looks like Mike got amnesia..." he solemnly replies. All the color drains from our faces.
"Is it temporary?" I ask with some hope that it is.
"They think it'll be temporary," Hopper says, "but the doctors still don't know how much he actually remembers, he could remember everything, he could remember nothing, we never know for sure."
My heart drops, seems that everyone else's does also.
"I know it'll be difficult, but he's still the old Mike you once knew, he could be different, just a little, but it's still Mike."
"Is he doing ok?" Dustin asks.
"He's awake, the only thing that's concerning is his amnesia."
"Can we see him?" I ask, and Hopper nods, moving out of the way.
We walk into the room, Mike was sitting up, he looked so confused, especially when we walked in the room.
"Who the fuck are you guys?" He asks. We all flinch a little bit at the language he used, yeah he swears but nothing that extreme.
"I-I'm Will," I start off, and the rest of us re-introduce ourselves.
"Did that police guy say I had a sister? Two actually." Mike asks, damn, he really does have amnesia.
We all nod, looking kind of sad.
"He should be able to go home in a couple of days." Hopper says.


We left after about 2 hours, heading over to my house and discussing.
"I don't know about you but Mike seems...different." Lucas says, "I mean I know he has amnesia, but he wouldn't say 'who the fuck', if you get what I'm saying."
We all nod, "I know what you're saying," Max says, "that's so unlike him."
I couldn't process anything, Mike's a completely different person.

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