Wheeler Residence

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I suddenly got really scared the second we pulled up to Mike's house. Bev had to do the driving since Eddie was the first to get out. She put the car in park and turned around to look at me.
"Don't freak out Rich," Bev said.
"Thanks for making me feel secure," I said sarcastically, I opened the car door and stepped out, Mike was already out.
"Catch ya later Trashmouth," Bev said. I shut the door walked up to Mike.
"Soooo, what are the Wheelers like?" I asked, half of me was being sarcastic but the other half was actually curious.
"Very....interesting," Mike replied.
"Well that gives me a lot to go off on," I said.
Mike chuckled and rolled his eyes, he walked up to the front door. He opened it and stepped inside.
"Micheal! You're home, do you remember us-?" Mrs. Wheeler asked.
"Why are you wearing that gross Hawaiian shirt?" His sister asks.
"Yeah, about that-" Mike started to say
"Oi! I'm offended-!" I said, stepping inside and standing beside Mike.
The Wheelers looked at the both of us shocked, their gazes kept switching from me, to Mike, and back to me.
Mrs. Wheeler suddenly started to sweat bullets.
"Is there something you want to tell us, mother?" We both asked, our voices completely in unison.
"Before you explain, you're Nancy right?" I asked, pointing to the older sister, she nodded, "and the little one must be Baby Holly."
"Mom, you have to explain right now-!" Nancy said, turning to Momma Wheeler.
Momma Wheeler was a nervous sweating mess

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