Why is he Here?

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Dustin's mom was luckily out of town, so I could easily be cuddling with my Eddie Spaghetti while we watched movies on the couch.
Right now, we've already been through a couple of movies, right now, we're on the third Friday the 13th movie of the series, our goal is to get through all of the movies that are out so far.
The phone started ringing.
"Shit, just when it was getting good" Dustin said, he paused the movie and got up, walking over to the phone and answered it, "yellow?"
I was laying in the couch with my arm wrapped around Eddie as he laid on me.
"Uh-Eddie, Richie, get on the other line-" he said, "it's down the hall."
Eddie and I got up from the couch and ran down the hall, I grabbed the phone and put it close to our ears, "ok we're on," Eddie said.
"You guys need to get down here now," Nancy was on the other line, "something happened to Mike."
"Again??" I asked, "what the fuck happened?"
"I'll explain it when you get here! Just get here soon!"
"Got it! We'll see you there!" Dustin said, he hangs up the phone, so do I.
Dustin turns off the tv and runs outside.


We quickly rode up to my house, our legs throbbing with anguish as we slowed down. Police cars crowded the streets and sidewalk, some police tape could be seen from inside the house. We threw our bikes onto the lawn and ran over to Hopper, who was talking to Nancy.
"What happened?" Dustin asked.
"Mike's gone again, and there was a dead body in the house by his room!" Nancy said.
"Did you know the dead dude?" I asked. Nancy shook her head, "let me see him."
"He's being pulled into an ambulance right now" Hopper said.
Dustin, Eddie and I ran over to the ambulance, four doctors where pulling a stretcher with a body shaped blanket on it.
"Stop stop!" I said, "I wanna see the guy!"
The doctors set the stretcher on the ground, they pulled the blanket down.
It was him.
He had a huge, deep, bloody gash across his head.
"That's Wentworth Tozier." I said.
"The guy who swapped you and Mike?" Dustin asked. I reply with a nod. "He's ugly-"
"Why is he here?" Eddie asked.
"No fucking idea..." I muttered.
The doctors put the blanket back over Wentworth's face, I ran back over to Hopper and Nancy.
"That guy was my dad back in Derry, Wentworth Tozier, he's the guy who wanted to swap me and Mike."
"He probably came to switch him back..." Hopper said, "but if he's here...where's Mike?"
"Is there a way we can at least try to see where he his?" Eddie asked.
Dustin, Hopper and Nancy all looked at each other.
"Yeah...actually, there is..." Hopper said, "you three, come with me, Nancy, call everyone else and tell them to meet me at my house."
Nancy nods and runs back into the house, Hopper led us to his police car.
"Are we bringing El into this?" Dustin asked as he got into the car.
"El? What about her?" Eddie asked.
"There's something we haven't been honest about you with her," Hopper said, he started the car and starts to drive off.

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