Its Time to Kill This Fucking Clown

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(⚠️homophobic language⚠️)

IT's body started to stretch out of proportion as it approached us, cackling out of control.
We've all fallen into IT's trap, I'm still trying to process what is going on.
"Well would you look at the menagerie" IT says, lurking closer to us.
I grip onto the baseball bat tighter, ready to swing at this things face.
"We got rid of you once, we can get rid of you again!!" Beverly yells at IT.
"Oh but it's not you I'm concerned about" IT says, "if I where concerned about you..." IT points a long fingers towards The Losers, "I could have easily gone for your little four-eyed fag."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Eddie asks.
"It means I know what you're capable of, I know the outcome of a fight between you and me"
IT slowly craned its head towards my group, "you on the other hand...will be interesting victims, I can taste the fear practically dripping off of you"
"We're not afraid of you" I say, clenching the baseball bat between both of my hands.
"Your shaking says otherwise." IT replies.
"Don't worry guys, we'll be by your side!" Mike H. says, getting ready for battle.
"Oh I don't think so" IT twirled it's finger, wrapping up the Losers in thick, inky black tar, clumping them all up together in one place. IT slowly twisted its head around and looks at us again.
"Cmon guys we've dealt with creepier shit, this clown will be nothing." Dustin says, grabbing a crowbar from the large pile of garbage. Everyone else starts to follow suit and dig makeshift weapons out of the pile of trash.
I raised up my bat, ready to swing at any given moment, "let's kill this fucking thing."
As if a switch was flipped, IT lunged itself towards us.
Dustin smashed IT in the face with the crowbar, causing the bended end of the crowbar to pierce through ITs cheek and out ITs mouth. The wound started to spurt blood, or at least what I think is blood, it was too dark and sludge-like for me to truly tell. IT's face contorted, turning inside out and morphing into a demogorgon, Dustin kicked IT away, tearing off a chunk of its flesh. All of us each took turns beating the ever loving shit out of IT. IT grabbed Will by the throat, opened IT's mouth to let black, roaring smoke come out of IT's mouth, it formed a vague shape of what I could only assume is the Mind Flayer, and I could tell Will wasn't having any of IT's shit. He grabbed the side of ITs neck and tore off a huge chunk of flesh, causing IT to let go and stumble back. Mike had a metal pipe in hand, he jumped on ITs back and used the pipe to try and strangle IT. IT only counteracted by craning IT's head back and opening IT's mouth even wider, causing upside down tentacles and gray hands with black veins to latch around Mike's head and claw at his face, trying to pull him towards IT, all the while, familiar voices screamed Mike's name in terror. I figured it was time to get into the action.
I took a firm grip onto the baseball bat and swung it into IT's neck, causing the tentacles and hands to retreat, Mike let go of IT's neck and toppled over. IT looked me dead in the eyes and grabbed onto the baseball bat, tripping my feet out from under me and practically pinning me down to the ground. IT's face once again contorted, IT's hair changed from red to blonde as it finally clicked what IT changed into.
"Am I dreaming? Or is that you Harrington?"
The fear was starting to get to be a little bit, not the fear of IT, but the fear of how this looks from other's perspective. Which it didn't matter if I was scared of IT or not, any fear from me could be used against me.
"Pretty boy like you has got me a little worked up, and I've seen the way you look at me Harrington, you wear your heart on your sleeve when you see someone you really seem to like."
"Cmon Steve fight it!!" I heard Dustin yell.
IT's hand contorted and morphed into Billy's hand, IT gently grabbed my face and turned my head to the side, licking up my neck and cheek. I mustered up all the strength I hand and shoved the nails of the bat deeper into IT's neck, causing IT to stop IT's actions. I pushed IT off of me and smashed IT over the head, getting the bat stuck in IT's head.
Nancy used a rebar and stabs IT in the stomach and head. IT's face contorted as it grabbed the rebar, changing into Barb's face.
Nancy forced the rebar out of IT's hand and stabbed it in the chest.
With one last chance of redemption, IT's face contorted and looked over at El.
"Eleven, today is a very special day."
El's expression dropped a little.
"I know you're scared but you don't have to be. You're very special Eleven."
El's expression changed from scared to angry. She let out a scream and held out her hand, picking IT up and tossing IT to the side.
IT's face contorted back to that clown, IT was now backing away from us towards a well, IT was scared of us. IT climbed into the well and hid ITself from us, mumbling a rhyme over and over again.
"He thrusts his fist against the post and still insists he sees the ghost"
As IT mumbled, IT's flesh started to tear and float off in chunks, before letting go of the wall and dropping down into the well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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