Beep Beep Mikey

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Mike W.

It's been a few days now since The Losers came to Hawkins. We stopped to an early showing of Terminator and got lunch afterwards.
Once Richie and his friends rode off to their separate houses with all of my friends (Richie was going to stay with Dustin and Eddie for the night), I made my way back to my house, alone.
I dropped my bike off at the front of my house. A car pulled up as I walked to my front door, he opened the car door and I saw it was him.
I opened the door and run inside, Wentworth, unfortunately, close behind.
I try to run upstairs but Wentworth grabs onto my ankles and pulls me down, I hit my chin on the wooden stairs on the way down.
"How did you get back here?" He asks, grabbing onto my wrists.
I used my knee to hit Wentworth in between the legs, causing him to groan and let go of my wrists.
I slip my foot out from under him and kick him in between the eyes, leaving a shoe print and knocking him down, breaking the banister rail.
I run upstairs and into my room, shutting the door. I look around for something to use as a weapon.
I looked at an R2D2 toy, it was big and heavy, which is good enough for now.
I pick it up by the wheels and wait.
I tremble, reeling up my swing when I hear footsteps closing in on my door, sweat soaking my palms.
My door swung open, revealing Wentworth. I swung the fictional robot model at his head, letting out a scream for more power. The R2D2 let out multiple robotic beeps at the collision, knocking Wentworth over.
I look at the R2D2 model, seeing the front half of it was covered in blood. I drop the model and peek over at Wentworth, blood seeping into the wooden hallway floor. I lean against the wall to catch my breath.
"Oh my god....oh my god...." I say breathlessly.
Once I've fully caught my breath I turn around.
To see IT.
I froze with fear.
"Beep Beep Mikey." IT said and grabbed onto my shoulders.

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