Kiss Him!

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After some more wandering through the sewers, we eventually find the group again.
"Oh thank god-we thought we lost you-" Nancy said, letting out a sigh of relief.
"Have you guys found where Mike is yet?" I asked.
"Not yet, but I feel like we're close," Eddie said.
"L-let's not w-waste any m-more time-" Bill said.
Lucas looked over at Eleven, "El, can you confirm we're going in the right direction?"
Eleven pulls out the photo of Mike from her overalls pocket, she holds it between her thumbs and pointer fingers and closes her eyes. After a few seconds, she opens her eyes.
"Yes.." she said simply, wiping the blood away from her nose.
"Sweet, it's probably just straight from here," Beverly said.
Bill pressed forward, with his army of teens and young adults following behind him.
"This is it-!" Ben said, stepping forward and into an opening.
Everyone steps through the opening one at a time to reveal something too familiar to be comforting.
The graffitied box car, the large pile of junk laying on top of the box car, the many dead bodies floating around in thin air.
"I hate this..." Steve said, grimacing.
"No need to tell us twice..." Beverly said.
Looking up slightly we see Mike, floating exactly like Bev was when we fought the fucking thing for the first time.
Nancy ran over to Mike, reaching up, she could barely touch the soles of his shoes, she jumped slightly and pulled him down, planting his feet against the ground.
Everyone crowded around Mike, his eyes where pale and glazed over, his iris and pupil where gone, leaving nothing but the whites of his eyes. I squinted slightly and saw something projecting from the inside of his eyes, the projection looked bright and colorful, but they flashed by too quickly to really comprehend.
"Mike!! Mike can you hear me!" Nancy yelled, gently shaking Mike by the shoulders.
"How did you get Bev to snap out of it when this happened?" Lucas asked.
"Well, I kissed her and she woke up, maybe that'll work?" Ben said.
Nancy moved out of the way as El stepped in front of Mike, she stood on her tip toes as she planted a quick kiss on Mike's lips, pulling away.
We waited a few second...
"The fuck-? He should've woken up by now-!" Eddie said.
El got a panicked look in her eyes, she kissed Mike again, and again, but still, nothing happened.
"Are we too late?? Please tell me we're not-!" Nancy said, tears welling up in her eyes.
I tried to use my limited amount of brain cells to think of an idea.
I looked around at the group of people in front of me, my eyes catching one certain bowl cut boy.
"Will!" I said.
Will's panicked eyes locked with mine, "kiss him-!"
"What-??!" Will's eyes grew wider with more panic.
"Look, I don't fucking know what's going on-! It should've worked with El, but it didn't-a lot of conversations I've had with him have been him gushing over you."
"It's better than nothing-" Dustin said.
Will took a deep breath and walked in front of Mike,
"I dunno if this is gonna work-" he said with uncertainty.
"It's worth a shot, if it doesn't work then we're fucked," I said, trying to encourage Will.
Will took a deep breath, he grabbed onto Mike's shoulders, stood on his tip toes and kissed Mike on the lips, it only lasted about a second, but Will's face was a bright shade of red.
As anticipation grew, Mike blinked and sucked in a sudden gasp of air, his eyes going back to normal.
We all sighed in relief, some of us cried tears of joy.
Mike looked down at Will's bright red face.
"Will...?" Mike looked a bit confused.
Will let out a small laugh had tears dripped down his cheeks, he hugged Mike with all the strength he could muster, Mike hugged back and smiled.
Mike looked down at Will, "Did you...?"
Will nodded and smiled wider, "yeah-yeah I did-"
Mike smiled and looked back up at the rest of us.
"So both of my brothers have boyfriends, that something I can work with," Nancy said, chuckling slightly. Mike and I looked at each other, chuckling slightly as well.
Dustin, Lucas, Max and El all tortured Mike with a group hug.
"Don't scare us like that man-!" Dustin said, "I almost had a heart attack-!"
"It's not my fault some freak clown made me vanish again" Mike said.
My expression dropped, "the clown-"
I completely forgot about IT.
The moment of happiness ended abruptly when the chilling cackles of IT rang through the sewers.

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