Is that my Name?

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Is that my name...? If it is I don't remember, I probably hit my head super hard.
Everyone remembered me with glasses, though I have perfect 20/20 vision. I just shrugged, popped out the lenses and put them on, sticking the lenses into the pocket of my gross Hawaiian shirt.
I hated the fact that I had to sit around all day, I felt fine but the doctors said that I had a massive amount of brain damage.
It was around midnight and I had nothing to do. I got up from my hospital bed and sneak out of my room and out the door. I roam around the streets, getting a remembrance of my surroundings.
It's quieter than I remember, it's chilling to see my town quiet.
I sat down on a nearby bench and just basked in my surroundings.
The air was chilled, the atmosphere was peaceful, the night sky shined with perfectly painted twinkling stars.
I took a deep breath and relaxed.
This is the most relaxed I've ever been in my life.
At least I think...
I sat there for a few minutes, until my relaxation ended when I heard the sound of an animal growling.
I got up and turned around, that wasn't a normal animal, it was to familiar to me to be normal.
I gradually made my way towards the source of the sound.
The growl got louder and more aggressive.
Just then the creature jumped out, it was dog-like with no face and covered with a thick layer of slime, it's feet where more like raptor claws scrapping into the sidewalk.
It let out a loud roar, it's face opening up to reveal skin flaps that open in the shape of a flower, with teeth surrounding every inch of skin and a mouth in the center.
"Holy shit!!" I start to run in the other direction, it following close behind me.
I run up to the first house I see with lights on and aggressively knock on the door, screaming to let me in.
Eddie opened the door, looking both confused and shocked that I was here. I ran inside and slammed the door shut.
"Dude what the fuck! My mom is asleep!" He whisper yelled at me.
The sound of that creature suddenly started to scratch on the door.
Eddie reaches for the door knob, I grab his hand to stop it.
"Don't." I whisper.
"It's probably just a dog or a cat." Eddie whispers back.
"It's not. Look out the window."
Eddie shrugged and looked out the window as the scratching continued. He quickly backed away.
"What the fuck is that thing?!!!" He screams, causing the creature to roar and the door.
Eddie hugged onto me, visibly shaking.
The scratching got more aggressive.
I tried my best to calm him down, practically cradling him in my arms and rocking him back and forth like a newborn child.
The creature, eventually gave up, and scurried off.
"Wh-what. The fuck. Was that?!!" Eddie asked again, hyperventilating.
I hugged Eddie close to my chest, everything started to flow back. It all started to make sense.
"Demodog..." I reply, "that was a Demodog."

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