No Mike

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I drove up to the Wheeler house and walked up to the door, knocked on it and waited. No answer. I knocked again and still no answer.
I look through window by the door.
Things where thrown around the house and everything was damaged.
I opened the door to the scene.
The kids where all laying around the floor, knocked out, some of them had bruises on their faces. Someone was missing.
I looked around the house to find the kids.
No Mike.
I grabbed the receiver on my uniform and called in.
"I want to file a missing person's case and a possible kidnapping!" I say, "I need officers at the scene of the crime!"
As I waited for the police to come, I looked at the kids.
Eleven had a small bloody bruise just above her eyebrow with a candle stick not to far away, looking over at Dustin, he had cuts over his face and was surrounded by shattered glass.
Max and Lucas left blood against the wall.
Will was laying in the living room and had a black eye. A smaller splatter of blood was up higher on the wall.
And Mike, was missing.
They where taking to long, I picked up the phone and called the police.


The kids finally woke up in shock.
I walked over to them, wrapped up in blankets, Eleven and Dustin had bandages on their faces from the cuts and bruises, Will held an ice pack against his eye, Max and Lucas where over somewhere else to see if they suffered any brain damage or have concussions.
"Whenever you guys are ready we need information from you to see what happened." I said to them. They silently nodded.
And officer came up to me with DNA samples from the unidentified blood on the wall and that bloody knife that was on the ground.
"Take the samples to the office and the tester will find you easily." I reply to him, he nodded and walked off.
Max and Lucas where walking over to the group, a nurse was helping them over.
"They both have a slight concussion but they should be fine in a day." The nurse said and Max and Lucas sat down next to the rest of the group.
"Whenever you guys are ready just tell me and I will take you to the office." I say.
"We're ready," Will said.
"Max and I might have to do some of it tomorrow," Lucas said, holding an ice pack up to his forehead.
"I'll give you a little more time to recover on the way there." I say, helping up Lucas and Max and leading them to my car.

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