Crossing the Threshold

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It was the next morning, everyone in the Loser's Club gathered around Eddie's house, around his mom's car.
Eddie took a deep breath and held up the car keys.
"Ready?" Eddie asks, and everyone nods.
Eddie climbs into the driver's seat, I sit in the passenger seat and everyone else squeezes into the backseat.
Eddie put the keys into the ignition and starts the car, pressing on the gas petal, causing the car to jolt forward and run into trash cans.
"I'm sorry I've never driven a car before!" Eddie says, shifting the gearshift in reverse and driving backwards, turning to line up with the road and continues driving.
"You drive, I'll be in charge of gear shift." I say, Eddie nods, hyperventilating and trying to calm down, "Mike, could you grab my inhaler? It's in my fanny pack."
I reach down to try and unzip Eddie's fanny pack, it was in an awkward spot.
Eddie flinches and makes the car swerve to the right but he quickly realigns with the road, "thaaahaats my dick!!"
I raise my hands up and take a deep breath, finally finding the zipper to his fanny pack and pulling out his inhaler, placing it to Eddie's mouth, he inhales and I press the top and Eddie holds his breath, calming down a little bit.
"So Mike..."
I turn around, Beverly looking at me. "Are you as gay as Richie?"
I looked shocked for a second. "Uh, sort of I guess, I have a girlfriend, but before I met her I had a crush on my best friend Will...."
I turn around, looking at Eddie.
"Richie's my boyfriend..." He says, I nod, that makes more sense.


Everyone gathers around the car, I climb into the front seat, Max in the driver's seat and everyone else crams into the back.
"You know how to drive right?" I ask Max, she nods.
"Just please don't be annoying." She says, starting the car and started driving, surprisingly having a lot of control.
"How long is this going to take...?" Dustin asks.
"17 least..." I reply, trying not to panic. I miss the losers, though I've only been gone around a couple of days, I still felt like I was missing someone, missing a part of me.
I can't tell if it's The Losers, or Mike.

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