Mike? Mike!

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Jonathan pulled up to my house and parked the car.
"I had a wonderful time," He said, giving me an adorable awkward smile.
"I had a wonderful time too," I replied, "we need to do this again."
"We do," Jonathan said, giving me a quick kiss on the lips, "I'll see you tomorrow!"
I stepped out of the car, "I love you!"
"I love you too!"
Jonathan drove off, I waved to him as he drove.
Turned to my house and started walking up to it, but I quickly stopped when I realized the door was open.
The only one who should be here is Mike, and I know he's not stupid enough to leave the door open.
I quickly walk inside the house and look around.
Everything seemed normal, besides a couple of muddy unrecognizable shoe prints on the floor and the banister rail to the stairs broken.
"Mike?" I call out. I got no reply, which made me more concerned than I already was. I started to walk upstairs, looking for anything that could possibly lead me to Mike. I saw a tiny splotch of blood on the edge of one of the stairs. The stairs are carpeted, meaning someone, probably Mike, was dragged down and sit something one the stairs hard enough to draw blood.
"Mike!" I called out again, I still got no response.
I walked further upstairs to the top floor. Mike's bedroom door was widen open, a man laid in the hallway, blood pooling under his head and seeping into the carpet. I looked into Mike's room.
He wasn't there.
One of his Star Wars toys was splattered with blood.
"He probably used that to..." I gulped, I could finish the sentence. I ran downstairs and ran to the phone, I quickly called 911.
"911, what's your emergency?" The receiver asked.
"I need you to come here right now! There's a dead body in the hallway and my brother is missing!!" I said into the phone.
"What's your address mam?"
"It's the Wheeler House-you've been here before-"
"Understood mam, i'll send officers there right away, don't hang up the phone."

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