Now Memories

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Bill and I where eating Eggos on the couch as we watched some random shows that where on TV through various flipping through the channels.
Hopper ran through the doors, Richie, Eddie and Dustin following behind him.
"El, we need your help," Dustin said.
"Wh-what's going on-?" Bill asked through his stutter.
"Mike, he's gone, again," Richie said.
"Mike..." I muttered under my breath.
"We need you to give us a general idea of where he is, or at least try to find him," Dustin said.
"Is everyone else coming as well?" I asked.
"Yeah, they'll be here soon, we can get everything set up while we wait," Hopper said.
"Wh-what's going on-?" Bill asked, sounding confused.
"You will see," I said, getting up from the couch.
I walk into my room and grab my radio, walking back out to the living room. I sit down on the ground, Hopper hands me a tie. "Now we wait for everyone else." I said.


A couple minutes pass and everyone eventually gets here. They all crowd around the living room, some sitting on the small couch in front of me. Nancy hands me a picture of Mike, it was a photo before the Snowball.
"Now before you start, El, show everyone what you can do," Hopper said.
I look over at a the coffee table, I squint my eyes and lift it only about a foot off the ground with my powers. The losers kept switching their gaze, from the table, then to me. I felt blood dripping from my nose, so I set the table down.
"Holy shit that was awesome-!" Richie said, "you can find people with these powers??"
"Yes, but to do this, I need it to be completely silent." I said. Everyone's gaze looks over at Richie.
"Yeah yeah-I'll shut up-" he said.
I turn on the radio and switch the channel to white noise.
"If I find him, you'll be able to hear him. And once I find him, you can ask me questions." I said.
I wrapped the tie around my eyes and clutch onto the photo with my thumb and index finger. I close my eyes and search for a location, where ever Mike may be.

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