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The drive was extremely long, I was able to think about nothing, which made the car trip longer. Beverly was asleep on Ben's shoulder, everyone else is just asleep besides Eddie, other Mike and me.
Looked out the window, seeing the scenery has changed drastically. I changed my gaze to Eddie.
"Uh, Eds, do you know where we are?" I ask.
"I think we're in New York?" Eddie says, sounding not so sure.
"I'm pretty sure you're right." Mike says.
"We should probably stop for a break in the nearest city, get gas and food n shit." Eddie says.
"Yes please." I say, "I'm hungry and need to piss."
Eddie pulled into a city and into a gas station, I shook awake everyone else.
Eddie opened the glove box, "my mom always leaves her clutch purse in her car." He pulled out an ugly red clutch purse, he pulled out a good wad of cash and spread it out evenly between us.
Everyone then ran out of the car and scattered around the area to various locations around the gas station.


I came back with a bunch of food for the road, so did everyone else, carrying bags of chips and various junk foods. Mike W got some stuff for Eddie cause he had to full up the gas tank.
"Thanks Mike," Eddie said, looking up and Mike smiling.
We all got back in the car.



We stop at the nearest city in New York to take bathroom breaks and fill up the gas.
I wish I brought money, cause I'm hungry.
I walk around with Will and Richie until we have to go back to the car.
"Richie, how blind are you without glasses?" I ask.
"How many fingers am I holding up?" Will asks, holding up 3 fingers.
Richie squints, "How the fuck do you have 12 fingers on one hand?"
"I'll take that as very blind..."
"What, how many fingers where up?!" Richie asks.
"3," Will replies.
"Ahh god damn it!" Richie yells and kicks a stray soda can.
Both me and Will laugh, "I wonder how you and Mike are going be, you two are complete opposites." Will says.
"Yeah, Richie's a rebellious loudmouth, and Mike is a quiet goodie two shoes."
Richie cringed at that last sentence, "Whenever I heard the term 'goodie two shoes' for some reason I just think of a hardcore porn series."
Both me and Will lost it at that point, we fell to our knees laughing hysterically.
"I'm gonna pee my pants," Will wheezed through laughs.
Richie just squinted at us in confusion. "What did I say?"
I flinched at the sound of a honking car horn, looking up to see we where laying at the car exit.
"Cmon man we have places to be!!!!" A boy who had his head sticking out of the driver's seat yelled at us.
Me and Will got up, brushing ourselves off and continued to try not to laugh.
As we where walking away, someone else stuck their head out the passenger window.
We look over, it looked exactly like Richie, glasses and everything, but he wasn't wearing his glasses, they where hooked on the collar of his shirt.
"MIKE!!!" Will yells, running up to the car.
My eyes widened, I run over to the rest of the group. "We found Mike!! I think they He was doing the same thing we did and stopped at the same city!!" Everyone stopped what they were doing and ran over to Mike and Will, hugging each other and sobbing hot, salty tears. We quickly joined in when we got there.
Richie was doing the same to his group of friends.
Eleven was showering Mike's face with kisses.
We all kept asking Mike questions, such as:
"Are you hurt?"
"Is everything ok?"
"What happened?"
And so on.
"Guys guys guy relax I'm fine!" Mike says, chuckling. "If you wanna thank anyone for helping me you should thank them." Mike points at Richie's group.
"Oh n-no fuck that!" Bill says, "you two need to know each other!" Bill pushes Richie towards Mike, and I do the same.

Mike W

I stood there in front of my twin, awkwardly.
"I-I uh...think these are yours..." I say, pulling out the lenses from the Hawaiian shirt, putting them back in the glasses and hand them to Richie.
Richie takes them and puts them on, "finally I can see- holy shit you have my face!"
I chuckle and pull Richie into a hug, tears welling in my eyes.
Both of us fall to our knees, still hugging each other, both of us a sobbing mess.
We both let go, looking at our blotchy, red, snot dripping faces.
"I think this is the reason I've been so depressed...I always felt like there was something missing and I finally figured out that it was you..." I say through hiccuping sobs.
"Shit man don't make me cry more..." Richie says, hugging me again, tears soaking into our shirts.
"Hey, I don't want to ruin a tender moment," Lucas says, "but we're holding up the exit..."
I look up, Lucas was right, we where holding up the exit. Richie and I got up and out of the way, our groups following behind us.
"So we had the same idea?" I asked Richie, he nodded.
"Great minds think alike," he says.
"So what now?" Eddie asks, his head sticking out of the driver's seat of his car.
"Derry is a shithole, we should go to Hawkins," Beverly says, "I bet it's hella beautiful."
"It is," I say, "especially by the lake, though that place has some...haunting memories..."
"What happened?"
There was a long pause of awkward silence.
"Ok I'll speak up," Dustin says, "basically, when Will went missing, police supposedly found his dead body in the lake. And a few days after that, two bullies ganged up on us and forced Mike to jump off the cliff into the lake or else they would've stabbed me, he did, but luckily El was there to stop him from falling to his death."
"Fuck dude..." Richie said, hugging onto Mike.
Mike flinches and awkwardly hugged Richie back, "I'm so happy you're alive," Richie says. Mike smiles.
"Sooo, we gonna go to Hawkins?" Lucas asked.
"Yeah yeah, everyone get in the cars you came in and follow us," Max says.
We all split up and went into our separate cars, Richie was clinging onto me like a terrified cat hugging onto the trunk of a tree.
"Richie, you need to go into your car," I say, chuckling.
"But I wanna go with you!" Richie replies, hugging onto me even tighter.
"He never does this to everyone besides me," Eddie says, "that means he really loves you."
"What the fuck Eds?? I'm not gay!" Richie says.
"Uh...yes you are, you're dating me." Eddie says.
I burst into laughter, so does Eddie. Richie just lets go of me and covers his face, probably to hide his tomato red face.
"You two can talk about everything when we get to Hawkins, cmon Rich." Eddie says
"I don't know if we have room in our car anyways," I say, "unless you wanna sit on my lap."
With that said, Richie instantly lets go of me, "NOPE INCEST IS NOT WINCEST! SEE YA!" He runs off with Eddie to their car.
I walk back to my car and hop in, holding in laughter as best as I could.
"So...what took ya so long?" Max asks.
"I found out that Richie is...quiet the guy..." I say. A

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