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Hopper lead us to the police station and asked me inside his office first for questioning.
The officer asked me to explain what happened before the event and during the event. I explained the event the best I could.
"So Will, your relationship with Mike is strong am I correct?" A policeman asks me.
I nod, "he's been my best friend sense kindergarten."
"Is that the reason why we found your fingerprints on that knife in the living room?" He asked me again.
"Yes," I reply, "I tried to do anything I could for him, I would sacrifice myself for him if I had to."
"Did Mike seem to know this man?" The officer asked.
"I don't think so," I say, "I guess he just found his house and Mike was in the wrong place at the wrong time."


Will walked out of the room and they asked me to come in.
My head still pounding with pain, I stumble inside and sit down.
"How's your head?" He asks me.
"Better." I reply dryly and sit down.
"Doctor says you aren't suffering from any brain damage, just a slight concussion, but tell me what was going on before the event." The officer says.
"Mike invited us over to play D&D because it was a weekend so we could stay up late and his parents and sister were out so we had the house to ourselves," I begin, "we heard something from upstairs so Mike went to investigate, after about a minute or two we heard a loud bang that sounded like signs of struggle, we all ran upstairs and saw this man who had a tight grasp on Mike and was holding a cloth over his mouth. That's when it went to shit."


Everyone at this point has been interviewed by the officer, we all told the truth, nobody would lie in this situation.
"You're all free to leave," the officer says.
Hopper leads us to his car and he drives us home.

(Editor's note: sorry this one was shorter)

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