IT's name is Pennywise

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I couldn't sleep, or see for that matter.
I needed to do something to cure my unending boredom.
I get up from the bed, put on some shoes and a sweatshirt, and walk outside.
I'm not so sure if Will and his family would be asleep or not, but that kid is fucking adorable. I got on my bike and tried my hardest to remember my way to his house.
Everything was ok on the way there.
Behind the sound of my bike gears turning, I heard footsteps. I stopped and listened.
The footsteps were followed by a laugh, an evil laugh for that matter. I look in every single direction possible. I look behind me to see a figure in the shadows, IT looked like a clown, my heart started to race, nearly bursting out of my chest.
The laughter was becoming louder, followed by a three simple words.
"Beep Beep Richie."
A force pushed me off of the bike, I quickly get up and start running.
Squinting through blurs that looked like trees.
I finally came up to a house, rapidly knocking on the door.
Joyce opened the door, "Mike? What are you doing here?" She asks.
I run inside not answering her question.
"Mike?" Will walks out into the living room.
"SHUT THE FUCKING DOOR!!!!" I yell, trembling in panic.
Joyce looks at me shocked, but shuts the door.
A loud banging came from the other side, causing us to scream in fear.
The clown laughed and knocked even more.
I look around for something to use as a weapon.
I see a baseball bat stabbed with nails, that'll work for sure.
I grab it, telling everyone to back up.
I take a deep breath and opened the door, the clown jumping out at me.
I swing the bat at ITs face, screaming random swears.
I finally swing at the clowns head, the nails sticking in the top of ITs head.
Blood floated upward towards the ceiling, IT gave me a menacing glare, grinning.
IT grabbed me by the wrists and threw me down at the ground, ITS mouth opened wide and IT bit down hard across my cheeks, covering my whole face. I struggle through the bite and struggling to breath.
Everyone in the room was screaming 'MIKE!!'
IT finally tore itself off of me, there was a flame that loomed above me.
I looked back to see Will, holding a lighter in front of a can of hairspray.
"GET AWAY!!!!" He screamed as IT retreated back into the night.
Will ran over to the door and closed it.
"What the hell was that?!!" They all seem to ask me at the same time.
Everything was coming back to me. Memories. I look up and everyone in the room.
Jonathan, Joyce, and Will.
"That thing..." I started off, "ITs name is Pennywise."

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