You'll Float Too

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Mike. W

I opened my eyes to a subtle dripping. I felt thick liquid drip onto my cheek. I groan and sit up, wiping my cheek with my hand to get the liquid off. I look back down at my hand.
It's blood.
I slowly look up. There was a pile of dead bodies laying on top of a boxcar graffitied with  white and red paint, the red spelled out 'Pennywise the Dancing Clown'. Some of the bodies are even floating in thin air.
I look around more. The walls are covered with carcasses of dead animals and people, covering them up all the way to the top of the wall, it was almost on the ceiling.
I got up onto my feet, stumbling a little bit as I try to gain my balance through glowing spots. I stumble onto my hands and knees into a puddle of grimy water, I blink through the spots and stand back up. I look around for an exit.
I spotted an open manhole at the very ceiling. My upper body strength better not give up on me, because I desperately need it.
I run over to the wall the manhole was on, I grimace at seeing the mutilated bodies of animals and people up close and detailed. The smell was absolutely disgusting.
I can't thing about that now, I have to get out of here.
I grab onto a sturdy part of the wall and start to climb up, trying to avoid the weaker animal bones.
It was easier to climb than I thought, it would be the ceiling that will screw me
I heard the faint sound of distorted circus music down below.
I looked over my shoulder to see flashing lights coming from the boxcar, the door to the boxcar opened, a tall, spindly looking clown arose from the boxcar.
"Mikey...come out come out wherever you are Lil Mikey..." IT said, lurking around.
I turned back around and continued to climb. There is definitely no going back now.
I stepped on an weak animal corpse, it broke under my weight, sending chunks of bone and meat to the ground. I look over my shoulder, the chunks of bone hitting the ground was unfortunately enough to get IT's attention. IT looked at the ground, and up at me.
"Found ya Mikey!" IT said.
I frantically started climbing to the manhole, grabbing onto the rim and pulling myself into the tunnel. I worm my way into the tunnel more, nearly getting all the way in when I felt a grip around my ankle, tugging me out of the manhole. I grab onto the lip of the manhole, trying my hardest to stay in the tunnel. I look over my shoulder to see that IT's arm has elongated to reach the ceiling and grab me without IT having to actually leave the ground. I attempt to kick IT's hand off of my ankle, but that only made IT angrier. IT violently tugged on my ankle, making me let go of the manhole ledge and come plummeting to the ground. I hit my head on the wall before IT dragged me towards ITself. IT grabbed onto my neck and lifted me off of the ground. IT looked disgusting, absolutely horrible. IT was laughing at my struggle and pain, but it wasn't laughing at my fear.
IT's evil persona suddenly faded. It almost seemed disgusted by my bravery.
"You think you can get out of here on your own Mikey?" IT asked me, "you're back where you first started! You're back lil old Derry Maine! But this time! You aren't leaving!" IT started to laugh maniacally.
I continued to struggle. IT's mouth started to open wider and wider, revealing many layers of gums and sharp teeth. A bright light emitted from IT's mouth, my whole vision started to fade into absolute nothing. Just pure white. I felt my body going limp, I couldn't control my body.
I almost felt like I'm...floating.

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