Highway to Hell on Earth

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We all got settled in our separate cars, waiting in a single file line for Steve.
Max and Eleven got into the back seat and buckled up, I'm glad they've gotten on better terms, or else this car ride would be nothing but arguing and Steve and I trying to calm them down.
Steve's car started pulling up to the house, Dustin got out of Nancy's car and walked up to his. Steve rolled down the window, looking very confused. I rolled down my window to see if I could hear in on their conversation.
"I thought you little shits needed me to drive you somewhere but that doesn't look like the case," Steve said.
"You're right, that isn't the case, but you're still going to be useful in what we're doing," Dustin said.
"But why the hell are there so many cars? You've all fit into one car before, minus to exception of Will, but he can just sit on Mike's lap or some shit."
"That's the problem, if we where to squeeze into one car we would have room for Will since Mike is gone,"
"Yup, and we know where he is so let's get going before it's too late! You're carpooling with Ms. Byers."
Steve reluctantly gets out of the car, grabbing the baseball bat full of nails and walks up to mine, opening the passenger seat, "so um..where's our final destination?" He asked.
"Derry Maine" El replied.
Steve turns around with a baffled expression on his face, "how in the hell did your boyfriend get into Maine?!!"
The other cars started to drive off, "it's a long story, and we will be able to explain it on the way there." I said, "one of you girls can explain it, I have to focus on driving."

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