Down the Rabbit Hole

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We finally go to Derry, my ass and legs where asleep and sore. I needed to get out and stretch my legs at some point.
We where in between a few cars, causing a huge traffic jam throughout the town.
"Where the hell are we going??" I asked.
"We don't know, we're just following The Losers," Max said.
"Who are The Losers???" I asked, getting more and more confused.
"Please shut up." Eleven said bluntly.
With that being said, I shut my mouth and looked out the window.


With my ass is as asleep as the little shits in the back, if my ass had lips, it would be snoring.
We finally pulled into a town, it's a shitty one, but it's a town nonetheless, and that's all I care about.
"Finally!" I said, unbuckling my seatbelt and getting ready to bust out of the car as soon as the opportunity arrived.
The line of cars parked next to a sidewalk. As soon as Joyce parked the car, I opened the door and stepped outside, stretching my legs. I grabbed the baseball bat covered in nails. Everyone else gets out of their cars, some of them little shits I don't recognize, thats probably The Losers who Max and Eleven where talking about.
Max and Eleven got out of the car and walked over to the other little shits, Joyce nudged me over to them, since I still have no idea what the hell is going on.
I walk over to the group and stand beside Nancy and Jonathan.
"Ok, so what's the plan?" Dustin asked.
"We need to get into The Well House, there's a well in the basement, obviously-and we need to go down inside of it to get Mike back," the kid with a cast on his arm said, "we usually bike there, but since there are cars available, then we should be able to get there quicker."
The Losers looked over at me, "you must be Steve," a Mike Wheeler copy with glasses said.
"Yeah I am-I dunno who you are-" I replied.
Dustin gave me a run down and gave me a name for the new little shits.
"What exactly are we dealing with?" I asked.
"Long story short, we're dealing with a clown that can change and form itself into your worst fear," Mike H said.
"Oh, well that's pleasant..." I said.
"You literally beat a demogorgon with that bat and lit it on fire, you should be fine," Nancy said. I hate to admit that she's right.
"How bout one of you guys bike there and we follow you," Max suggested.
"My house is closest, and Richie's bike is also at my house so we could both go," Eddie said.
"Lets go Eddie Spagetti!!" Richie said.
"Please don't call me that in public..." Eddie replied to Richie's pet name.
Richie grabbed Eddie's wrist and ran off, "we'll come back when we have our bikes!!" Richie yelled from behind him. Nancy shot him a thumbs up as he ran off.
I turned towards Nancy, "so...there's two of them now-"
"Yeah-like one Mike wasn't enough." She said, leaning against her car and folding her arms.

(Author's note: I sincerely apologize for how slow these updates are being. My motivation for some of these is decreasing, and I also have an idea for another story that I'm writing in between the other two that are already published. I'm stil trying my best for the people reading this)

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