The Well

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We all stepped inside the old house, the dilapidated floorboards creaked under the weight of our feet.
"Soo...IT lives here?" Dustin asked, visibly scared, but trying desperately to hide it.
"Yup, to make matters worse, it lives in a well in the basement," Richie said.
"Oh, well that's fun" Dustin said in response.
The Losers lead us down to the basement of the well house, which was older and more dilapidated than the top floor.
"Please tell me the rope is still here," Eddie muttered, looking into the well, "it is!!"
Eddie grabbed onto the rope inside of the well and gave it a good tug, "it's still really secure also!"
"Sweet, who wants to go first?" Stan asked.
"I'll go first" Richie said, grabbing the rope and slinging himself over the well, starting to climb down. All the The Losers besides Bill decided to go first before us, Bill was going to help us down so we get down safely.


We eventually all make it down to the bottom of the well, a chill went up my spine from the thick grimy sewage air.
"Lead the way you guys" Steve said, scrunching his nose in an attempt to barricade the horrid smell from his nostrils.
The Losers started to lead the way, occasionally looking around corners to make sure they're going the right way.
"Do you think Mike is even alive...?" Lucas whispered to me.
"I sure hope so..." I replied.


I kept glancing around, allowing myself to explore the surroundings with my limited distance I'm allowed to travel. Will was walking beside me, I temporarily stop and peek into a pipe that could possibly be a shortcut, crawling into the pipe a bit more to see further down, Will peeked into the pipe as well and followed me.
"You think this is a shortcut?" He asked me.
"Probably," I replied.
"Hey guys! I think I found-" I turned around and the hole that was originally there had just vanished, it was sealed off as if it where a dead end.
"Please tell me you saw that too-" I asked Will.
Will slowly nodded, a look of pure panic on his face.
I try to think of a plan before Will has another panic attack.
"It's ok-we can find them-"
"How-?? We've never been down here-! We don't know our way around-!" Will said.
"It's a sewer, they have to hear us at some point...the first thing we need to do is get out of this pipe-"
Will gulped and nodded, we crawled out of the pipe and back onto the marshy sewer ground.
"Lets just stick together and we'll be alright..." I said.
Don't get me wrong, I'm really scared, I'm just trying not to show it for Will's sake...

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