Henderson Residence

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We stopped by a house I could only assume was Dustin's.
Dustin got out of the car in front of us, I had to squeeze my way out of the cramped and claustrophobic crevasses to get to the door to the back seat.
I eventually open the door and climb out of the car.
"See ya Eddie Spaghetti!" Richie said, winking in my direction.
"Please don't call me that when we're here," I replied.
I heard the static from the walkie talkie emit Mike W's voice again.
"Lucas is up next, I'm assuming you want Mike to go with him? Over."
"Yeah that would probably be the best, over" Richie replies.
"Alright, that's our next stop. Over and out."
I walked up to Dustin who was waiting for me in front of the pathway to his house.
"So, there's a couple of questions I gotta ask before we go in," Dustin said.
"Alright, ask away." I replied.
"Do you have any allergies?"
"Well, my mom thinks I'm allergic to everything."
"Any specific ones? Like food or animals?"
"Most likely not, my mom just put a bunch of bull shit in my brain."
"Ok thank god, cause we have a cat, and that wouldn't work out if you swell up at the sight of one. Next question, do you like guys? I'm more than 10,000% supportive, so I'm just asking."
"I am, I'm currently dating Richie."
"Well shit, that might be a problem."
"What do you mean?"
"My mom is very homophobic. I just say, just say that you're really good friends with Richie, so if he comes over a lot, she won't be suspicious."
I let out a sigh or relief, "Alright.."
Dustin started to walk up to the front door, he opened it.
The TV was on and running, his mom was sitting on the couch, petting a dark brown cat.
"Why hello there Dusty!" Mrs. Henderson says.
"Hey mom," Dustin replies.
Mrs. Henderson looks over in my direction, "oh, and who might you be?"
"I'm Eddie, I'm here visiting with my friends," I say.
"How did you meet my Dusty?"
"It's....it's a really long story. If you see my friend Richie come over, you'll probably know."
"Ok, Dusty where is he gonna sleep?"
"Either my room or the couch, I'll let him choose" Dustin says.
"Well, did you clean your room?"
"Shit-" Dustin runs off and down the hallway.
"I'm taking that as a no.." I say, chuckling.

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