Different Personalities

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I slowly opened my eyes, everything was a bright white, I squinted through the light.
I felt my forehead to be greeted to a wet wash cloth.
"Richie you're awake!"
I try to sit up confused, but my back and arms collapsed on me.
"Oh no you don't, you're staying down, you where out for a long time."
"Wh-what...?" I quietly say, "who are you?"
When my vision cleared I looked around.
I was looking up at a monotone grey ceiling, nothing that I recognize. I look over at all the other people in the room, I don't recognize them either.
"Where am I...?"
They all looked at each other worried, "you're at your house," the red head said, "we're your friends."
"I don't recognize you...." I say. They look at each other even more nervous.



We all huddled around in the corner.
"Richie doesn't remember us..." Eddie whispers, "or anything."
"I-it's a-amnesia..." I say, "I-it has to b-be."
"What do we do?" Beverly asks.
"We need to take him to the doctor," Stan said.
Eddie runs over to the closest landline phone and dialed in 911.


The Losers Club was sitting in Richie's hospital room, Richie kept taking off his glasses. He says they hurt his eyes. 
"You've always been wearing glasses though..." Eddie says, Richie looks at him confused.
"I don't need glasses though." Richie replies.
Ok, now I'm really confused. Richie's practically blind without his glasses.
We huddle in the middle of the room.
"Richie, not needing glasses? Bullshit." Stan whispers.
Eddie nods, "we need to look more into this."
"Is there a place we can look up family history?" Beverly asks.
"The library computers," Ben says, "we could possibly look there."
We all nod and split from our huddle.
"Ok Richie we'll visit you later," Beverly says, 'Richie' nods and we leave.


Ben walks over to a computer and goes into a family history program.
He first types in his dad, 'Wentworth Tozier.'
He scrolled through all the names but Richie's name didn't appear once.
"Th-the fuck...?" I say.
Ben types in 'Richard Tozier' and no results pull up.
We all start to get extremely confused. Ben goes back to the 'Wentworth' page and scrolled through the last names.
"Wait stop," Eddie says, "scroll up a little bit."
Ben scrolled up and Eddie pointed at a name.
'Karen Wheeler'
Ben clicked on it and scrolled through her family tree.
That's where it popped up.
Richard Wheeler.
He clicks on it to reveal no one other than Richie Trashmouth Tozier.
"No fucking way." We all seem to whisper in unison.
There was a name in the 'related' section.
I pointed at the first option, 'Micheal Wheeler'
When Ben clicked on it, it revealed our answer.
Micheal Wheeler looked exactly like Richie.
Richie had a twin brother.

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