{ one }

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"Explain me, again, why are we even going to a party 3 hours away from our home." Clarke looked at Jasper once they left the plane.

"Because Octavia is our friend and she asked us. And we haven't been here in 3 years, Clarke. A lot happened. Trust me." Jasper looked at her and she rolled her eyes. 

"Octavia gives parties every 2 weeks. Why come to this one?" She grumbled.

"Do I look like a wizard?" Jasper grumbled, getting their bags.

"Do you want  the answer?" Clarke looked at him, grabbing her bags. "Mahone Bay. God, I haven't missed this place." She stated.

"Really? Because the last time we were here you cried like a baby because Bellamy didn't com—"

"Yeah, yeah, we get it genius." She sighed and Jasper chuckled. 

"I'm just glad we're back and we all have moved on." Jasper said, smiling a little.

"Which is fantastic. Wait, weren't you supposed to be working tonight?"

"I quit." Jasper shrugged and Clarke's mouth widen open.

"You quit? Why?"

"You got fired, who's worse?" He grumbled.

"I had my reasons and I was doing the right thing!" She grumbled back.

"Hey, doctors!" Octavia screamed from the door of the airport.

"I was actually a nurse but—" Jasper bounced his head and Octavia laughed softly once she jumped to his arms.

"Not relevant." Octavia said and then she hugged Clarke. "Griffin. Looking good as usual." She smiled large.

"I know." Clarke chuckled "You look great, O."

"As usual." Octavia added smiling and she pulled Jasper and Clarke to outside of the airport. "There's a new coffee shop close by. The food is amazing." She smiled and Clarke looked around.

Clarke and Jasper followed Octavia, hearing her terrible jokes .They entered the coffee shop and Clarke turned around to face her bags.

"Hey, O! New friends?" A voice that Clarke would recognize 3 miles away said and Clarke took a deep breathe, before she would pass out.

"Not exactly." Octavia smiled and both Clarke and Jasper looked up, just to face Bellamy who was hugging a girl by her waist.

"Jasper Jordan." Bellamy said smiling. "And Clarke Griffin." He said and Clarke smiled a little, feeling all the memories hit her like a wrecking ball.

"You're here to the engagement party?" The girl next to Bellamy smiled and Clarke's eyes widen open. She was totally confused. "I'm Echo, by the way. Bellamy's fiancee." She smiled large and Clarke had no reaction but to look at Octavia who was a little embarrassed.

 "Surprise?" Octavia and Jasper said at the same time and Clarke was still in shock.

"Yeah, we've came to the-the engagement party. Congratulations, by the way." Clarke smiled gently and she looked at Bellamy, who had a different look on his eyes.


welcome to my new bellarke fanfic!

enjoy your stay ;) <3

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