{ nine }

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After Aurora left, Clarke and Jasper were cleaning the kitchen while Bellamy was getting ready for work and Octavia was taking another shower. She clearly didn't handle the hangover.

"You okay? You seem a little off." Clarke asked Jasper, who was a little distant.

"I'm good, just a little tired."

"You could take the day off, maybe? I could use some time with my best-friend." She smiled gently but he nodded his head.

"We need the money." He sighed. And she nodded.

"Me and Octavia are going to use our free time to see if we can find a party time." She smiled a little and he nodded.

"I got to go. I need to talk with you when I get back, okay?" Jasper said softly but didn't say anything else before he left.

"Clarke?" Bellamy called from his room and Clarke took a deep breath before she walked over.

"Hey." She said softly and she couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hey." He smiled. "What? You know I suck with ties." He admitted and she did his tie look perfectly nice.

"After all this time." She bounced her head, messing his hair slowly.

"Not the hair." He grumbled. "But yes, after all this time." He said low and she blushed a little because he wasn't talking about the ties.

"Why are you even wearing a suit?" She asked confused. "Oh, today is the interview, right?"

"My only chance to stop being a bartender." He nodded and she smiled a little. 

"You're going to do great." She said quietly and he kissed her cheek. "Have you noticed something different about Jasper?" She frowned slightly.

"He's been a little distant, I believe." Bellamy said. "Maybe it's anxiety. A few time ago, you were living in Toronto, with a luxury life."

"Soon as we can soul our house in Toronto, I think we can have a more luxury life, like you say." She teased him and he smiled a little.

"Why did you decided to stay? If you had a great live in Toronto..."

"I missed Octavia." Clarke replied smirking a little and he rolled his eyes. "What? I always preferred her." Clarke joked and Bellamy grumbled. "Come on, Bell. You know I always loved you the same."

"Always?" He asked and she nodded. "And you love her now, does that mean that you also love me—"

"Don't push it." She joked, hitting on his arm, smiling quietly. "Good luck on the interview. You're gonna do good." She bounced her head and he smiled a little. 

"O! I'm leaving!" Bellamy said and Octavia ran to his room, holding a towel around her body.

"Good luck!" She smiled brightly, hugging him which made him grumbled.

"Not the suit!" Bellamy joked. "You're all wet, get out of here." He frowned.

"Is this how he treats you when you get wet?" Octavia asked Clarke who quickly became speechless.

Octavia left the room smirking and Clarke looked at Bellamy smiling in a dorky way. 

"I should—" Clarke said chuckling and Bellamy nodded. "Good luck, Bellamy." She said kindly and he nodded his head smiling a little.

Clarke left his room and she entered Octavia's who was dressing herself. Octavia looked at Clarke smirking a little and Clarke rolled her eyes playful. 

"Shut up." Clarke said before she threw herself at Octavia's bed. "So you and Jasper...—"

"Don't start." Octavia chuckled and Clarke grumbled.

Bellamy eventually went to Octavia's room to say goodbye and Clarke looked at Octavia who was searching on her computer for jobs.

"I know that you know what is going on with Jasper." Clarke finally said, letting out a sigh.

"Clarke..." Octavia said low. "I know, you're right but...It's not my place to tell you." She said sighing.

"Is he sick? Cause if he is, I can handle it." Clarke said losing it a little. She couldn't handle it.

"No, he's not sick." Octavia said. "But he'll tell you when he's ready, okay?" She smiled a little and Clarke nodded.

Her phone started to ring and she got up to answer it. She didn't know the number which kind of scared her but that was not what made her feel terrified.

"Miss Clarke Griffin? This is from Mahone Bay Central Hospital. We're calling because of a friend of yours. There's been an accident."

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