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"Clarke! When did you arrive?" Octavia asked smiling as she walked downstairs, which made Bellamy take his arms around Clarke.

"Just did." Clarke said, smiling a little and imagining what was on Octavia's mind right now. 

"Great!" Octavia walked over her and Bellamy. "Bell, can you help me get Clarke's bags up there?"

"I can carry my own bags, O." Clarke smiled.

"So can Bellamy." Octavia said looking at Bellamy who grumbled.

"Thank you." Clarke said low as Bellamy walked upstairs with her bags. "What was that for?" She grumbled at Octavia.

"Are you finally up to break the wedding?" Octavia smiled and Clarke rolled her eyes.

"We're not breaking anything. He's going to have a nice weeding and we're going to support him. There's no way that me and Bellamy will end up together."

"It was six years, Clarke." Octavia said sadly.

"My parents were together for 20 and she still managed to run away from the hospital as soon as I born." Clarke looked at her. "Echo is nice and she's beautiful."

"I know she is but she's not meant to be with Bellamy" Octavia groaned low.

"Neither am I, O." Clarke looked at Octavia who nodded slowly. 

"Everything is set up." Bellamy said at the top of the stairs. "Though Jasper needs a little help."

"I'll go." Clarke smiled a little and she walked over the room that she would be sharing with Jasper. "You can't remember the combination, can you?" She chuckled and Jasper looked at her pretending that he was mad. "It's 2199."

"Oh. 6 years and 7 days!" Jasper said and Clarke understood he was just trying to tease her about Bellamy. 

"You know how to make calculations! You're a genius!" Clarke said which made Bellamy behind her laugh.

"Bell, can you come here?" Echo asked from his room. 

"Be right back." Bellamy said to Jasper and he entered his room, closing the door behind him. "What's wrong, love?"

"Is it true?" She asked softly looking at Bellamy.

"What are you talking about, Echo?" Bellamy asked confused.

"You never said you spent 6 years with Clarke..."


"Do you feel anything?" She looked at Bellamy, her eyes tearing up.

"I'm with you. Aren't I?" He dodged the question like Wonder Woman dodged those bullets.

"You were what, when you too started? 16?"

"Clarke was 16 and I was 17. We were at 11 grade. Then we graduated when she was 17 and I was 18. We went to college and we finished it when she was 21 and I was 22 and we broke up a year later. So... we started with as teens and we ended with 22 and 23." He shrugged, bouncing his head.

"Now you're older. She's 25 and you're 26. You've got more mature. 6 years is a long time, Bellamy." Echo said sadly as she sat down on his bed.

"Clarke was really important and she still is but not in a romantic way anymore." Bellamy sat next to her.

He was definitely non-certain of his own words. 

"I trust you." Echo smiled a little, not totally buying it.

"I've got to go help them unpack but I'll be back." He said kissing her forehead. "Can you help Octavia in the kitchen? You know she's not the best cooker." Bellamy laughed and Echo laughed back, nodding her head.

"Octavia, Echo is helping you with the lunch!" Bellamy said to downstairs. 

He was so distracted when he entered Jasper's and Clarke's room that he bumped really hard against Clarke. So hard that made her necklace jump off. 

"My head." Clarke groaned, holding her head.

"I'm sorry! Are you okay?" Bellamy said quickly as he picked up the necklace. It had written "Madi" in there which made Bellamy look at Clarke confused.

"Bellamy..." She said low as she tried to take the necklace out of his hand.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" Bellamy looked at her eyes and Jasper coughed.

"I'll be at the kitchen." Jasper said before leaving the room.

There they were. Clarke's worse nightmare was becoming real.

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