{ eight }

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"Morning!" Clarke said enthusiastic to tease Octavia and Jasper who had a huge hangover.

"God, I'm going to kill you." Jasper said as he lays his head on his hands.

"How was last night?" She smirked and Octavia groaned.

"Please stop screaming." Octavia said and Bellamy who was walking downstairs chuckled.

"She's not screaming, O. No one is." Bellamy said and he walked over her, kissing her forehead, tapping Jasper's shoulder and kiss Clarke's cheek. "You too should take an Aspirin. Mom and Clarke's dad are coming to have breakfast with us." 

"Wait what?!" Octavia freaked out. "Mom is coming over?" She said and the door ring bell sounded. "Oh my god. She can't see me like this. I need a cold shower." She said quickly and she looked for an Aspirin. She took one and gave one to Jasper, before running to the bathroom where she closed herself in.

"She is still bad dealing with hangovers." Clarke confirmed and walked over the door, seeing Aurora and her Dad. "Hey Aurora. Hi, dad." She smiled gently, hugging both of them.

"Look at you! You are so big." Aurora said smiling large as she looked over Clarke. "Oh, and Jasper!" She smiled gently and Jasper walked over, hugging Bellamy's and Octavia's mom.

"Hey, Mrs. Blake" Jasper said a little embarrassed since his head was pretty much on fire.

"Please, you know the drill. Call me Aurora." She smiled.

"Bellamy is at the kitchen, planning the breakfast and Octavia is taking a shower." Clarke informed and Aurora walked with Jasper to the kitchen, where they had a nice and happy conversation along with Bellamy.

"How are you, pumpkin?" Clarke's dad asked, pulling her close so they could sit on the couch.

"I'm good.. Bellamy and I are in a good path, he broke up with Echo, totally—"

"About time." Clarke's dad, Jake, said.

"Dad!" Clarke chuckled. "Anyways, we are going to see Madi's grave later. I told him I had choose the city's cemetery to put her instead of  Toronto." Clarke said, with tears on her eyes. 

"You do what you got to do, okay sweetheart?" Jake said and Clarke nodded slowly. "Speaking of good things, I have been really impressed with your work, Clarke. You managed to take care of all of my patient's files in less than a day. And they were more than 200. You should be proud." He said and she nodded quietly.

"What's going on?" She asked, looking at him. "You're giving me the compliment sandwich. What's going on, dad?"

"Look, honey, what I'm going to tell you, may sound bad to you but you've got to promise me that you won't be mad." He said and Clarke raised an eyebrow confused. "Your mother reached me out and she wants to meet you."

"I'm sorry, what?" She looked at him as she crossed her arms.

"Your mother—"

"The woman who gave me birth, you mean? Now she wants to meet me? She's 25 years later." Clarke looked at him who sighed.

"Honey, she regrets all of her actions. She had to decide between love and family or her career as a doctor."

"And she choose her career and now? No turning back." Clarke said.

"Clarke, if you were in the same position—"

"I was! With Madi. And I chose my daughter over my course, over my career, over everything. And that was the easiest decision that I had ever faced." Clarke said, now angry and her father looked at her.

"Look where that got her." He said and he immediately regretted it. "Clarke, I—"

"Leave, now." Clarke said and she walked over the door, opening the door. 

"Someone's leaving?" Bellamy asked from the kitchen and Clarke took a deep breathe.

"Yes, my father has some place else to be." Clarke replied and Jake stood up, walking to the door. 

"I'm sorry, honey." He said and he left, which made Clarke hit with the door. She walked over the couch and she sat, looking through the window. 

Her dad was getting on someone else's car. A woman was there.

"Aurora? Can you come here, really quickly?" Clarke said and Aurora walked over smiling.

"What's up, sweetheart?" She smiled and Clarke pointed to outside the window.

"Can you tell me if you recognize that woman?"  Clarke said and Aurora's smile fade away.

"Yes, honey. Not just the woman but the car itself." She took a deep breath before she searched on her phone for a picture, showing it to Clarke.

It was a picture of Aurora, Clarke's parents and Jasper's. Which confused even more Clarke.

"That's your mother, Clarke." Aurora said softly and Bellamy and Jasper who were paying attention to the conversation, almost spitted out the juice of their mouth. "Those are your parents." Aurora said and Clarke looked outside.

Her dad was kissing her mother and that made Clarke feel more betrayed than ever.

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