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Clarke arrived the coffee show where she was meeting Echo and she walked over where the girl was. Clarke was finally ready to put all the cards on the table.

"Clarke, is so good to see you." Echo said, smiling a little.

"Cut the crap, Echo." Clarke sat in front in her. "I don't trust you."

"Why is that?"

"Because no woman is fine with being left behind to an old love. I don't think you are who you say you are." Clarke looked at her. "Being all friendly with Bellamy and me, pretending that you care that much if we're together or apart, helping us get a house, telling Bellamy your surgery experience." Clarke crossed her arms. "So I did a little research. You never had a heart surgery." Clarke took some papers out of her bag.

"How did you find this? These are supposed to be sealed!" Echo looked at her, madly.

"Once a doctor, always a doctor." Clarke said.

"I may have lied about the surgery but that doesn't prove anything."

"And I kept digging into your files." Clarke stated. "Your dad killed your mother. And then he killed himself. He was a mental ill person, psychopathic to be exactly. And I started to wonder if your genes were the same." Clarke put the papers back on her bag. "Maybe you're not a psychopathic, Echo, but you do have some serious lack of love in your life. You have violence on your heart and blood on your hands."

"Shut up." Echo said, breathing in and out.

"You're just waiting for the perfect moment to get Bellamy back, aren't you?" Clarke questioned, feeling Echo's anger rising up.

"Stop. Talking." 

"You're not getting him back, Echo. I'm going to show him the truth. You are not his friend." Clarke said.

Echo could rip off Clarke's skin, but Clarke would always protect Bellamy and Octavia.

"You better watch it, Clarke. I already prepared a grave next to Jasper and your daughter, specially for you. You better keep your eyes open or someone will shut them down for you." Echo groaned and Clarke smiled before she risen her hand and slap Echo in the face.

Clarke grabbed her stuff and she left the coffee. Echo was getting her revenge, no matter what. Clarke went to the supermarket to get Chewy's food and some snacks for them all. Once Clarke arrived home, she wished she had a knife.

"Clarke!" Bellamy called angrily. 

"She attacked me!" Echo cried out. Her arms were full of scratches and her hair was messy as hell.

"You stupid bi—"

"Did you do anything?" Octavia asked low to Clarke.

"No." Clarke looked at Octavia.

"You should have." Octavia said and Clarke looked at her.

"She attacked me, Bell. She's crazy and dangerous." Echo cried against Bellamy's chest and Clarke took deep breathes. 

"I can't believe this, Clarke." Bellamy said, nodding her head.

"Oh, you're kidding me, right?" Octavia looked at him. "She's clearly faking!" Octavia screamed.

"I'll get you some clothes." Bellamy mumbled to Echo and went upstairs.

"You slut." Clarke looked at Echo, ready to hit her again.

"I told you I'd bury you." Echo said and she looked at Octavia. "You'll be my bonus."

"Not if we bury you first." Octavia said, holding her fist.

"You've never see darkness in me, Echo. Or in Octavia. Once it's out, you're going to wish I was still the sweet doctor." Clarke looked Echo in the eyes. 

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