{ four }

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"Clarke!" Bellamy looked at her as her phone started to ring. She took it out of her pocket and she looked at the name.

"I really need to take this." Clarke looked at Bellamy.

"Clarke, this is important!" Bellamy sighed and Clarke nodded her head.

"I know." Clarke said deep as she answered the phone. "Clarke Griffin." She said as she answered the phone

"It's Jackson."

"What happened?"

"The hospital got a response from the lawyers. They're not charging me about Madi."

"Come again?" Clarke almost screamed "How come are they not charging you for that?         You are the reason she is dead, Jackson!"

"I'm sorry, Clarke."       

"Apologies won't bring her back."

Clarke hanged up the phone as she threw it to her bed. The tears were falling off her eyes and once she was ready to destroy everything around her when she realized that Bellamy had never left the room. 

His eyes were sadder than ever and all she wanted to do was hold him close. They had both lost a daughter. Their daughter.

"Is it true? We had a kid?" He asked softly, cleaning her tears slowly as she nodded with her head.

"I found out after I left." She said low as she sat on the bed, next to him. "2 years ago she got sick and she had to stay in the hospital." Clarke smiled a little, still crying. "Me and Jasper were constantly skipping days of work so she could be with us. 6 months ago, she had to go to surgery and I didn't have authorization to be the one operating her but I went because I didn't care for my job, I cared for my daughter." Clarke takes a deep breathe. "I wasn't allowed because my procedure was risky and I was her mother."

"Your procedure was risky?" He asked, crying.

"Yes, it was but it was the only one who could save her and it would have but the director of the hospital found me and he didn't let me finish. He put Jackson in charge and he did another procedure. The procedure he used was the non-risky one but it was also the one that there so much low exceptions of life after that."

"So you were right." Bellamy nodded his head and Clarke did it too. "I nev-never met her. I could have been there for her! For you!"

"I tried to call you.. For 3 months" Clarke cried, holding her face on her hands. "You never answered."

"Do you have anything of her? Besides the necklace?" 

"Yeah." Clarke bounced her head and she stood up, walking over her bag and she took a box of there. She put it in Bellamy's lap and she sat next to him again. "I can leave if you want some privacy."

"No, no. I-I want you here." He said low as he opened the box.

"She knew everything about you, Bellamy." Clarke said as her heart broke once again. "She loved you so much." Clarke looked at Bellamy who was wetting what was on the box with his tears. "And so did I" Clarke said low and Bellamy nodded slowly.

"Do you still?" He asked low, looking at her eyes.

"Bellamy, I—" Clarke stopped for a while. "My life is in Toronto, not Mahone Bay."

"What do you have in there?" He looked at her and she understood she had nothing there.

"You're gonna marry." Clarke looked at him. "And she's nice."

"But she's no you." He looked at her and Clarke was about to break down again when Octavia interrupted.

"Lunch is ready!" Octavia screamed from downstairs.

"If you say it, I'll drop the wedding, I swear, Clarke. I love Echo but not like I  l—"

"Lunch is ready." Clarke cut him off, standing up as she cleaned her tears. "You can tell her about Madi."

Clarke left the room after she cleaned her tears. Once she sat at the table for lunch, Octavia smiled large.

"Jasper was telling us that you two are planning on staying around. Or even move back in." Octavia said and Clarke looked at Jasper, confused.

"We are?"

"You are?" Bellamy asked as he entered the kitchen and sat next to Echo.

"We have no jobs, our friends are here..." Jasper said and Clarke looked at him, raising her eyebrows at him.

"He means we'll think about it." Clarke said.

"That's... great." Bellamy said, looking at Clarke.

Everything was a mess.

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