{ fourteen }

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Hours later, Clarke finally left her room. Bellamy and Octavia tried to talk with her before but none of them was successful. Clarke only went upstairs because her parents were coming to have lunch. She didn't know why but she was 101% sure that that lunch wasn't going to end well.

"Thank you, for inviting us." Abby said as she tried to get closer to Clarke but that made Clarke walk over the kitchen.

"Bellamy did it. It wasn't me." Clarke said, helping Octavia setting up the table.

There weren't a lot of words shared during the lunch and honestly everyone was thankful for that. The real problem started when Clarke was cleaning the dishes.

"Is everything alright?" Clarke's dad, Jake, asked Bellamy.

"We had a fight, nothing we can't fix." Bellamy said quietly.

"I must say.." Abby started.

"Abigail." Jake warned her. She was about to get kick out of the house if she said the wrong thing.

"Clarke, as your mother-"

"That's funny." Clarke mumbled and Abby sighed.

"I don't think Bellamy is the right man for you." Abby said and Clarke closed the water, cleaning her hands and turning back so she could face Abby.

"I'm right here." Bellamy said, annoyed to Abby.

"I beg your pardon?" Clarke looked at her own mother.

"A mother always knows what's best for her children and I'm telling you, sweetheart, you do not belong with Bellamy Blake."

"First, with all of the respect, that's not your call to make." Bellamy said.

"You didn't even knew you were a father!" Abby said.

"So, you're judging Bellamy for not knowing he had Madi but you're not judging yourself? You left me alone with Dad. 25 years ago. And Bellamy isn't good for me? Let me tell you something."

"Abigail, that's enough." Jake said.

"Me and Bellamy? We dated since we were teenagers, we spend crazy years together but we did it with passion. You're not my mother. Dad played your part and Dad made a plan with Jasper and Octavia so I would come home to get the man I love back." Clarke said. "Me and Bellamy fight a lot, we always did and we always will but there is no way in hell, heaven, paradise, whatever you want, that I'll stop loving him." Clarke said determinate as Bellamy looked at her amused.

"You don't love him, Clarke. And he doesn't love you. You two are together now because it's what it should be since you spent 6 years together. You made it like an obligation." Abby said.

"I'm sorry but how would you know? Didn't you left Jake 25 years ago?" Octavia finally spoke.

"What does being in love mean to you, Abby?" Clarke said. "For me it means so many things. All those things include Bellamy. I don't have to give you any explanation but I'm telling you, that stupid immature crazy idiot that Bellamy Blake is, is the guy I want to put a white dress and a veil for. I don't give a crap about your opinion about us because my family supports me." She looked at Octavia and her father. "And most important, I support myself. Me and Bellamy are meant to be, either you want it or not." Clarke ended the conversation right there.

"Get the hell out of our house." Bellamy said and Jake looked at Clarke proudly.

"I'll call you, sweetheart." Jake said kissing Clarke's forehead. "I need to make sure she gets home safely. What can I say? After all this time I still love her."

"She doesn't know what love is, Dad." Clarke mumbled and watched Jake leave with Abby.

"I'm going upstairs. To take care of something." Octavia said, smirking and leaving Bellamy and Clarke alone.

"I' so sorry I said those things to you." Bellamy started and Clarke nodded her head.

"You were right, it's too expensive." Clarke smiled a little.

"I never meant to hurt you, Clarke. At any ways and what you just said to your mom, it just made-"

"I've called Echo." Clarke said which made Bellamy step back a little. "Since she works with houses and decorating them, she said she could help us find a cheaper on." Clarke mumbled and Bellamy's eyes started to show tears.

"It's not just about the price, you know? This house has a lot of our memories but I want to make new ones. I want us to paint a room together, I want us to choose everything." Bellamy said.

"You do know Octavia is going to live with us?" Clarke chuckled a little.

"She doesn't mind." He smiled a little and he looked at her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Clarke. About everything. I had no right."

"I shut you out, Bellamy. There's nothing else you could do."

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