{ twenty - four }

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"She's staying the night." Bellamy said as he walked downstairs to meet Octavia and Clarke.

"What?" Clarke looked at him. "You can't be serious, Bellamy."

"I am serious! She already fell asleep!"

"Then wake her up." Octavia rolled her eyes and Bellamy groaned. 

"She claimed that you attacked her and try to kill her." Bellamy looked at Clarke.

"And you believe her?" Clarke glared at Bellamy with tears on her eyes.

"I don't know what to believe anymore." He replied low and Clarke nodded.

"If she stays, I'll go." 

"Come on, Clarke." Bellamy looked at her.

"If she's stays, I'm leaving." Clarke said again and Bellamy looked at him sadly.

"Then I guess you're leaving." Bellamy said low and Clarke looked at him, sadder than ever.

"I'll get my stuff." Clarke said and she walked to their room and Echo was sleeping on their bed. Clarke and Bellamy's.

Clarke thought for seconds to choke her but she was better than that, so she just grabbed a bag and the essential things for the night. She had no idea where she was going to sleep but it was definitely for sure not in parents house. Or her dad's. She had no idea if they were together, honestly.

"Clarke." Octavia called her and Clarke walked over. "Don't go." She said low. "Bellamy's not thinking straight. In the morning you can talk."

"He doesn't trust me, Octavia. And we're going to get married." Clarke looked at Octavia who nodded after a little time. 

"Where will you be staying?" 

"I don't know." Clarke sighed.

"You can stay at Lincoln's. He lives close. I can give you the address, he won't mind." Octavia sighed and Clarke bounced her head. "I just want you save."

"Okay. It's fine." She mumbled and Octavia give her the address. Clarke walked downstairs and Bellamy stood up from the couch.

"Don't go."

"Too late." Clarke said low, giving him her ring. "Give this back to me when you're sure you believe me, that you trust me and that you want to marry me."

Clarke left him there and she walked over Lincoln's. It would be a little awkward at first but she was sure they would become friends really quickly.

"Hey." Lincoln said smiling once he opened the door.

"Hey." Clarke smiled a little and walked in. 

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