{ two }

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"Clarke, didn't you want to go to your father's office?" Jasper said, trying to break the eye contact of Bellamy and Clarke.

"Yes!" Clarke looked quickly at Jasper. "Octavia can show us the way." Clarke looked at Octavia who was embarrassed.

"Clarke—" Octavia said once they were out of the coffee shop.

"Tell me that you two didn't brought me here so I can stop their wedding." Clarke looked at Jasper and Octavia.

"Huh—" Jasper started and Clarke's eyes widen open.

"You asked me to come from Toronto to Mahone Bay just to stop your own brother's wedding!" Clarke looked at Octavia who sighed. "I'm not doing it, O. She actually seems nice."

"You and Bellamy—" Octavia said.

"There isn't me and Bellamy anymore, Octavia. We had a good time together but it's over now and he's going to marry. How can you not be happy with it?"

"Because we don't believe that you two are not meant to be." Jasper said and Clarke nodded her head.

"It's been 3 years. He's happy. I'm happy. And we are not together."

"Clarke, just please, listen to us. He's still in love with you. He always w—" Octavia said but Clarke stopped her.

"He's not!" Clarke looked at her with a mix of sadness and anger at her voice.

"You two spent 6 years together. And 7 days." Octavia said.

"And I left him and he left me. We're not meant to be."

"Clarke—" Jasper said.

"Enough is enough. I'm not someone's puppet. Not even yours." She looked at them with disappointment on her eyes. "I'm going to find my dad. I know the way."

Clarke left still shocked by the attitude of her own friends. She stopped by a coffee shop and she spent a big part of her money, which wasn't a lot, in cakes and sweets. She needed something to make her feel better.

She walked over her dad's office and she was glad when the receptionist said that he was in a consult, that meant she could spend at least 30 minute eating candy without stopping.

"Are you eating candy? Is my daughter eating candy? How long have you been here?" Clarke's dad smiled large, approaching her and hugging her.

"Hey dad." Clarke smiled large, hugging him back.

It has been 2 weeks since she saw him but she never stopped missing him.

"Oh, did you save any candy for me?" He smiled and Clarke nodded. "What's wrong, sweetie? You seemed happy about this party that you and Jasper came to."

"Yeah, until I find out that it's Bellamy engagement party and that I'm supposedly here to stop the wedding" She looked at her father as she sat on the chair. 

"Maybe Octavia and Jasper know you better than what you think."

"Dad." She looked at him and his face went red. "I didn't even say Octavia's or Jasper's name." She crossed her arms. "This was your idea!"

"Honey...I was just trying to make you happy." He sighed.

"I was happy! I am happy." She looked at him, before she put more candies on her mouth. "Why would you give them this idea?"

"I know you're not over him, sweetheart. And he isn't over you." Her dad sighed. 

"It's my life, dad! Why does everyone wants to control it but me?" She looked at him, sadly.

"I'm sorry, Clarke. I really am."

"I know you were trying to make me happier." She nodded her head, feeling some tears on her eyes. "But after what happened 6 months ago, I can't... I don't know if I'm going to tell Bellamy."

"About Madi?" He asked and Clarke nodded her head. "You should tell him, that's for sure." He looked at her and she let her tears fall. "Wait here for a second." Her dad told her when his phone ringed.

Clarke nodded her head and she waited for her father. He got back and he said he had a urgent meeting at the hospital. Clarke tried to make him let her stay with him but he said he had already set up things with Aurora Blake so she could be with her house, along with Jasper, Octavia and most likely Bellamy and Echo.

He drove Clarke until the Blake's house and Clarke was more scare to enter that house than to enter to a plane.

"Call me if you need anything." Her dad said and she nodded slowly.

"I will. I love you, Dad." Clarke said and hugged him. 

Clarke got out, taking her bags of the backseat and she knocked on the door slowly. Bellamy opened it and they could already feel the tension between them.

"Hey." Bellamy said low, letting her in.

"Hey." She bounced her head, dragging her bags inside. "My dad said your mom wants me here." She smiled a little.

"Yeah, she said something about it before she left for work. Echo is in the shower and Jasper is unpacking with Octavia." Bellamy said and he looked down. "I should have texted you. At least when I meet Echo." Bellamy looked at her and she smiled a little. "I'm glad you're here, Clarke. I really am." He said and she nodded quietly, feeling her tears show up. "Come here." He said low and he pulled her into a hug.

"It's fine." She said low but he was already wrapping his hands around her waist. 

"I'm glad we both moved on and now we can be friends." He smiled gently at her and she replied with the same smile.

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