{ eighteen }

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"Do you think Bellamy would tell me if Echo tried to talk with him? Or if he still talked with her?" Clarke asked Octavia while they were both playing with Chewy.

"Why are you asking me that, right now?"

"I'm pretty sure I saw her number on his phone when I was taking pictures with his phone. It said "When do we meet then?" and it had an "E" saved as contact." Clarke mumbled.

"Clarke, do you think he's ch—"

"No! I don't think he's cheating on me but it is strange that he was texting Echo." 

"You were jealous or mad?" Octavia asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Both." Clarke simply asked. "Look, O, I want Bellamy to have his friends and to be happy. Just not with any of his ex-girlfriends." 

"Why didn't you ask Bellamy directly?"

"Because he's in the shower." Clarke looked at Octavia who sighed.

"Go there and ask him! It's not like you've never seen him naked." Octavia groaned.

"I hate you." Clarke groaned and she left Octavia's room, just to enter the bathroom.

"I'm showering!" Bellamy groaned, thinking it was Octavia.

"It's me." Clarke said softly and Bellamy chuckled.

"Hey, princess."

"Why are you texting Echo?" Clarke asked right away and the bathroom went silence for a while.

"Clarke, I don't—"

"I'm going to ask you again." Clarke said, taking a deep breathe. "Why are you and Echo texting?"

"Can I talk?" He asked, walking out of the shower, cleaning himself and dressing up. "I need to talk with you and Octavia."

"It's literally a simple question." Clarke said, obviously jealous and sad at the same time, that he was hiding something from her.

"O, we got to talk." Bellamy said entering Octavia's room.

"Is this about you texting Echo?" Octavia said and Bellamy looked at Clarke who shrugged.

"We're girls. Girls talk about everything." Clarke sighed.

"I was texting Echo and I have been for some days." Bellamy started and Clarke crossed her arms.

"Go on, I'm enjoying my killing plan." Clarke looked at Bellamy who smiled a little.

"You know how I didn't judge you and Finn being friends because he was helping you? Echo is helping me." Bellamy sighed.

"Finn has a PhD. What does Echo have?" Clarke said and Bellamy looked at her, annoyed. "Sorry but it's not like I'm lying."

"I need a heart transplant. I've been needing it for some years and my surgery is in 2 weeks." Bellamy sighed. "And she's done one before so she knows the risks and that stuff."

"Okay, I'm going to be the one pointing the obvious, but you're literally dating a doctor!" Octavia said.

"Exactly, Bellamy. I'm your girlfriend. I understand that she may have experience on the emotional things that can happen to you but I've done a lot of transplants. I've dealt with so many things, I'm a freaking sweet doctor, yet, you didn't came to me. You lied." Clarke said, disappointed.

"Wait, did you just said you're my girlfriend?" Bellamy frowned.

"Not the time." Clarke said, grumbling. "You should have come to me. To us."

"How come did I never knew?" Octavia asked and Bellamy shrugged.

"I always hidden it." Bellamy said low. "Look, I didn't want to worry any of you. We've lost so much. It was just getting in and the next day, I would be out."

"What if there where any problems?" Clarke said.

"Wait." Octavia said. "You were going to go on surgery without telling us, even knowing that you could die?" Octavia asked, with tears on her eyes.


"So much for family, Bellamy." Octavia said as she grabbed Chewy and went to the guests room.

"Octavia." Bellamy called her. "Does she hates me?" Bellamy sighed sitting on Octavia's bed.

"She's hurt. You're her only blood relative alive." Clarke sighed, sitting next to him. "What you were going to do was completely stupid and even if you were trying to protect us, was selfish." Clarke took a deep breathe. "But you're going to do great. The surgery will go okay." Clarke mumbled standing up. "You can invite Echo to dinner if you want."

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